Can You Smell What the Rock Is Cooking?

Sheriff Saani
4 min readMay 20, 2023


“Can You Smell What the Rock Is Cooking?” by Dwayne Johnson, The Rock!!


Professional wrestling has given us memorable moments, larger-than-life characters, and catchphrases that have become iconic in popular culture. One such catchphrase that has stood the test of time is “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” In this article, we delve into the origins of this phrase, its significance in the world of professional wrestling, and its impact on popular culture.

The Origin of the Phrase

The catchphrase “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” originated from the charismatic wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson during his time in the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). It became synonymous with his persona and contributed to his immense popularity both inside and outside the wrestling ring.

The Context in Professional Wrestling

Professional wrestling is known for its theatrical elements and larger-than-life characters. Catchphrases play a crucial role in establishing a wrestler’s persona and connecting with the audience. The Rock’s catchphrase quickly became one of the most recognizable and frequently used phrases in wrestling history.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

A comparison picture of Dwayne Johnson’s childhood and somewhat current state

Early Life and Wrestling Career

“The Rock,” Dwayne Johnson, was born into a wrestling family. He followed in the footsteps of his father and grandparents, who were both professional wrestlers. Johnson entered the world of professional wrestling after a great collegiate football career and rapidly received notoriety for his personality and athleticism

Acting Career and Popularity

While still active in wrestling, The Rock ventured into acting and found success in Hollywood. His natural charisma and charm translated well to the big screen, and he became one of the most bankable stars in the entertainment industry. Despite transitioning into acting, The Rock continued to make occasional appearances in the wrestling world, keeping his catchphrase alive.

The Catchphrase and its Impact

“Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” brilliantly encapsulated the Rock’s egomaniacal demeanour. It became his hallmark catch and was frequently used to energize the audience before his matches. The slogan stuck in people’s minds and increased The Rock’s appeal as a superstar due to his influential delivery and alluring demeanour.

Memes and Cultural References

meme about The Rock’s slogan

The Rock’s catchphrase took on a life of its own in the era of the internet. Memes showing The Rock and the slogan “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” quickly circulated throughout social media channels, boosting its popularity even further. The slogan also became a cultural reference, used to indicate confidence or declare one’s presence in a variety of circumstances.

Relevance in Popular Culture

Influence on Other Catchphrases

The Rock’s catchphrase took on a life of its own in the era of the internet. Memes showing The Rock and the slogan “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” quickly circulated throughout social media channels, boosting its popularity even further. The slogan also became a cultural reference, used to indicate confidence or declare one’s presence in a variety of circumstances.

Merchandise and Branding

The Rock’s slogan on Merchandise and Branding

The catchphrase’s popularity led to a wide range of merchandise featuring The Rock and the phrase “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” T-shirts, action figures, and other memorabilia adorned with the catchphrase became highly sought-after items among fans. The Rock’s brand expanded beyond wrestling, establishing him as a recognizable figure in popular culture.

The Rock’s Legacy

The Rock has had an unquestionable influence on professional wrestling and popular culture. “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” is a wrestling classic, forever connected with his larger-than-life image. The Rock has cemented his reputation as one of the most influential person in entertainment because of his success in both wrestling and acting.


“Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” is more than simply a slogan. It embodies Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s captivating personality and larger-than-life demeanour. From its beginnings in professional wrestling to its extensive influence in popular culture, the slogan has come to represent The Rock’s enduring legacy. So the next time you hear those phrases, you’ll be aware of their significance in the world of entertainment.


1. Was “Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?” only used in wrestling?

No, the catchphrase gained popularity in wrestling but also became a cultural reference used in various contexts outside the wrestling ring.

2. What other catchphrases did The Rock popularize?

The Rock popularized several catchphrases, including “It doesn’t matter what you think!” and “Layeth the smackdown.

3. How did The Rock’s catchphrase contribute to his success?

The catchphrase added to The Rock’s larger-than-life persona and helped establish a connection with the audience, contributing to his immense popularity in both wrestling and acting.

4. What impact did memes have on The Rock’s catchphrase?

Memes featuring The Rock and his catchphrase helped spread its popularity even further, making it a recognizable and frequently used phrase in online culture.

5. Where can I find The Rock’s merchandise?

The Rock’s merchandise, including items featuring the catchphrase, can be found online and in various retail stores specializing in wrestling or entertainment memorabilia.

