My Third Month Experience at TIIDELab Fellowship Cohort 5
My third month began on a very wonderful note. I actually had a lot of wow moment, from delving deep into the wide ocean of JavaScript picking up from where we left off. We got started by learning various concept in rest parameters, recursion, optional argument couple with a quick implementation and also doing a lot of research, to see how this concept can be applied in a real world situation.
Technical Skills
Still on JavaScript, we treated Rest Parameters, Regular Expression, Optional Argument or parameters, Closure Recursion error handling and more.
Rest Parameters has to do with infinite parameters, it comes to play when the parameters (mainly values) are infinite. It makes use of the three dot (…param) as you can see in the figure below
We moved to error handling, which is a very important subject in JavaScript and its very useful for developers, because it helps them to communicate to the user when an error occur. for example, if a developer fail to do a proper validation or if the internet connection was lost. there should be a feedback issued to the user, letting them know what’s happening. That is call proper error handling .
Various error that can occur are ReferenceError, EvalError, SyntaxError, TypeError, and URIError
JavaScript classes have been much fun than I expected, knowing that the language has to do with logical reasoning and you also do have basic fundamental rules to pay attention to. JavaScript is also very dynamic in that you have multiple ways of getting the same result. All this rules, I began to carefully follow as instructed by our JavaScript instructor Mr Kenny. Who has really made JavaScript easy to understand. Thank you so much sir for your effort.
Did I mention InnoConnect to you?
InnoConnect is a career-mentorship and job placement platform that helps mentees train and develop their skills based on thier career choice, providing a smooth roadmap to achieve their career goals and then get their dream job. Its a project ( web app) my team and I are working on with HTML, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript with other programming language like React Next js Node js API’s and more . And I have been charged to design the article page with other screens. trust me it has been an interesting ride.
Another beautiful events, that occurred was the 4th Model Tiidelab UN General Assembly. It was a gathering that all nations of the world were represented and I had the opportunity to hear from other representative, what their country has and the problems they are faced with. I represented the prime minister of Israel. I was able to learn about Israel for the first time through my research and I found that Israel was a small country that rose against challenge of poverty security threats and terrorist attack, became a global technological and entrepreneurial powerhouse. Israel has emerged as a global leader in the tech industry, earning the title of Startup Nation. This project arose in me the quest to research more about the country Israel and to see the beauty and challenges they faced.
Recorded Victories
As an emerging software engineer critical thinking is part of the process it’s vehicle through which innovation ideas That changes to product are birthed. According to Paul elder’s Critical thinking standards which includes precision clarity accuracy depth Logic fairness. From this day I took in to cognizance the basic skills openness to new ideas willingness to give up to superior argument, ability to identify problems and provide solutions.
This Friday was one of my favorite, as we had our guest speaker Mr. Ayodele, founder of workHQ. I listened keenly to every of his words as I was curious to know what it takes to be a founder. Through his insights, he spoke on the topic sustainable progress in software engineering (what do you do to advance your career ?) interesting topic right.
Things to note
- Be valuable
- Avoid tutorial Hell: Always learning but not writing any code or building project
- Contribute to open source
- Seek Mentorship
- Attend Events and
- Build.
This month I was able to Build Project, improved my Communication skills Decision Making and learnt about Best Practices. I am most grateful to our coordinator @Mr shamsudeen Aderoju for his unrelentless effort. I cant wait to share my fourth month experience with you.