Drinkableair: Pure Water from Air

2 min readSep 19, 2022


AWG Technology is the best answer to the world’s water shortage. All people on the planet now have access to this revolutionary technology.

Air is purified using AWG technology. By extracting moisture from the air we breathe, the AWG device creates pure water from air.

In contrast to drinking tap or bottled water, which is regarded as “dead water,” AWG water is 100% oxygenated and is therefore known as “live” water (contains very little oxygen).

Only 1% of the water in the world can be used for human and animal use. The hydraulic cycle moves water from oceans to the sky to underground rivers and lakes, but the quantity we have will never increase or decrease.

The World Health Organization predicts that by 2025, only around two-thirds of the world’s population will have access to clean drinking water. In addition, industrial society is contaminating the 1% of water we still have. Drinkable Air employs atmospheric water generation technology to create water from the purest water on the planet — our air.

Since Drinkable Air’s water tastes fantastic and is so pure, we may use it for cooking, making ice, and brewing coffee. The filter doesn’t need to be updated very often, but it is very easy to do so.

Using Drinkable Air to transport clean water into any region eliminates the need for heavy lifting, plumbing, water lines, or pipelines. Drinkable Air simplifies the process of reducing plastic waste while decluttering your home.

In hotels, workplaces, and airports, drinkable air is currently available. Clean water never runs out. At this time, you should move on to Drinkable Air.

Drinkableair is great for:

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Cooking
  • Water bottle
  • Ice cube
  • Plants
  • Pet water, etc

The benefits & Features of Drinkable Air are:

  • Convenience
  • Balanced PH Levels
  • Unmatched Water Quality
  • Stop Buying Bottled Water
  • More Health Benefits
  • Less Garbage/Storage
  • Doubles as Dehumidifier
  • Improves Air Quality
  • Self Cleaning Device




Drinkableair-Me is the reputed comapny provide high quality AWG Machines. Drinkable Air AWG machines create pure, fresh drinking water out of the air we breathe