Manifestation, Surrender, and The Hustle Culture

Darina Savova
5 min readSep 11, 2023


Good morning everyone!

I woke up with a rush of inspiration to write on one of my favorite topics in the world and the one that has occupied my mind the most lately — manifestation through unwavering faith.

I’ve been experiencing profound transformations for the last 9 months. My whole life as I know it together with my beliefs about the world and my concept of self has completely shattered. Some people call this going through a spiritual awakening. I don’t even know what to call it because I have no idea. That’s not important anyway.

For a little context, I’ve been striving to achieve wealth, build my own coaching business empire, become financially independent, and travel the world for about 3 years now. I’ve always been a go-getter, an ambitious person determined to achieve my goals.

So I jumped into this whole entrepreneurial journey determined to crush it. I always thought of myself as a brave, courageous, and resilient person. Little did I know the path this journey would take me on. Little did I expect to be faced with some of my deepest, darkest insecurities, doubts, and fears.

I knew I had to do “the mindset work” so I jump head down into the ocean of personal development, energy healing, manifestation, trauma recovery, rape ceremonies, sound healing, affirming, cutting energetic chords, forgiving, attracting, and whatever else you can think of so I can manifest the wealth I wanted.

I thought that if I combine the inner work with hustling my ass off, I will get what I want. The only thing I achieved though was a total burnout, a mental breakdown, and questioning of my own sanity.

Everyone in business is talking about hard work, resilience, and hustling to get what you want. I’ve been doing that for a while now — how come I am not getting what I want?

FYI, this is a question that took me a while to even ask myself because it required me to admit that it is in fact, not working for me. It’s so easy to get caught in the rat race thinking that your big breakthrough is just around the corner if you just keep pushing.

I am not going to share my story in depth here because I want to get straight to the point and give you an insight you can actually use today in your life. (You can read more about my journey in my upcoming book)

What I found is that the entrepreneurial game that we think will give us the freedom to quit our 9–5 and achieve freedom is nothing else but another rat race.

It’s based on a culture of numbing our feelings, disregarding our intuition, hard work, and hustling to the point of burnout in pursuit of something.

And this is right here is the very concept I want to touch upon.

If we want to talk about manifesting our ideal life, the system I just described above (the pursuit of something) will totally collapse because it’s in direct opposition to how manifestation really works.

The pursuit of something, whatever it is, is in and of itself an affirmation that something does not exist.

There’s nowhere for you to go and get something. Even when I write this now it sounds funny to me.

That $25,000 that you want is not sitting somewhere there waiting for you to do the “right marketing strategy”, “right business model”, or “right manifestation technique” so you can get it.

It cannot exist separate from your consciousness, aka separate from you. It is given birth into the physical 3D world only because you thought of it.

Since there is no separation in the Universe, that thing you want is also part of you so where the hell are you rushing to get to?

You would say that hustling works for many people who’ve achieved success, I would argue on that but let’s assume it works, the question is: at what cost? You hustling, pushing, and forcing to get something just makes it harder for you to manifest what you want because it is like going against the stream of the river instead of with it.

Manifestation means “to show itself”. The thing that you want exists as a quantum possibility in the field ready to be collapsed into existence.

How do we collapse a possibility into existence?

One word — faith.

Not belief, but faith. Belief is more so hoping something to be true.

Faith, on the other hand, is the absolute certainty and conviction that something is true.

Unwavering faith is the key to manifestation. Faith that you already have everything you want.

But not in the way that you are trying hard to believe you already have it but then you go out there and try to do XYZ to get it. This is not faith. This is hope.

Think about it. If you already have what you want, would you go and hustle like a crazy person to get it?

Now, embracing this idea is not easy and I know it. It requires you to be brave enough to challenge the concept of how the world works and what you see the masses are doing and choose to disregard it completely and believe something totally different that you have absolutely no evidence of working.

It also requires you to let go of the imaginary control you think you have and surrender to a power higher than yourself (your ego), and would eventually lead to the destruction of that ego which is what we call exiting the Matrix.

Believe me, it took me 9 months to finally come to terms with the truth of what I am talking about right now. It was extremely hard for me to embrace this way of living and doing things because I’ve always liked having control and making sure that I get the things I want.

It is tough to choose a path of surrender when everyone is talking about how the road to success is hard work and resilience.

You, of course, are free to choose whatever you want. Some might say that such a way of life is working for them — well that would depend on what “working” really means for you.

I know there is a better way and I believe that the moment we realize chasing things like a hamster in a hamster wheel is no longer working for us, we will naturally seek a better solution to create a life of true meaning, and fulfillment where all of our desires manifest effortlessly.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for my upcoming book that goes in-depth into the concepts of manifestation, surrender, faith, and the Matrix.

Love you all,

Darina :)

