The Unbelievable Journey of Michael Phelps and his 28 Olympic Medals

Dr Ishrat Bano
3 min readJan 17, 2024

Defying Odds

Photo by Serena Repice Lentini on Unsplash

Have you come across the incredible story of an athlete who clinched an astounding 28 Olympic medals while grappling with anxiety and ADHD?

It’s truly remarkable!

Prepare to be inspired by the awe-inspiring journey of Michael Phelps, a sports icon who didn’t just conquer the Olympic podium but did so while grappling with anxiety and ADHD. His remarkable tally of 28 Olympic medals is a testament to resilience, determination, and the art of turning challenges into triumphs.

Phelps didn’t just swim against his competitors; he swam against the currents of anxiety and the hurdles of ADHD, creating a narrative of victory that extends far beyond the medals. Let’s dive into the pool of his strategies, as he navigated these challenges to build an unstoppable mindset.

1. Crafting Achievable Dreams:

Phelps started with a simple yet powerful principle – breaking down colossal dreams into achievable goals. Each stroke in the pool became a step closer to the extraordinary, proving that big achievements are the sum of smaller victories.

2. Routine as the North Star:

In the unpredictable world of sports, Phelps found solace in routine. It wasn’t just about managing time; it was a lifeline amid the chaos. A structured routine provided stability, both for his ADHD and the demanding training regimen.

3. Mindfulness and the Mental Game:

The Olympic stage is not just physically demanding; it’s a mental battleground. Phelps, combating anxiety, embraced mindfulness and visualization. Through mental rehearsals of success and staying present, he transformed fear into fuel.

4. Adapting to Win:

Flexibility was Phelps’ secret weapon. Adapting training strategies to align with his unique challenges showcased that success often comes to those who can pivot when faced with adversity.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

5. Building a Support Network:

Behind every triumph, there’s a team. Phelps surrounded himself with coaches, therapists, and mentors.

Seeking support wasn’t a sign of weakness but a strategic move to create an environment conducive to success.

6. Exercise as Prescription:

Phelps’ commitment to physical fitness wasn’t just about winning races; it was a prescription for managing the symptoms of anxiety and ADHD. A vigorous workout routine became a bridge between physical and mental well-being.

7. Embracing Vulnerability:

In a world where vulnerability is often seen as a weakness, Phelps flipped the script.

By openly discussing his battles with anxiety and ADHD, he turned vulnerability into a source of strength, inspiring others to confront their own struggles.

8. Lifelong Learning:

Phelps never hung up his learning cap. Constantly seeking ways to improve, he highlighted that growth is a perpetual journey. Each race was not just a competition but an opportunity to refine his skills.

Photo by Ryan Fleischer on Unsplash

9. Resilience Beyond the Podium:

Above all, Phelps showcased unwavering resilience. Confronting setbacks head-on, he transformed challenges into stepping stones, proving that enduring success is not just about winning races but weathering the storms.

Michael Phelps’ legacy isn’t confined to the pool or the Olympic Games; it’s a roadmap for anyone facing challenges.

Through these nine strategies, he didn’t just build an unstoppable mindset; he crafted a narrative that says triumph over adversity is not a lofty dream but a journey worth embracing.

