Baby Steps to growth 👣 | Internship Week 12 at Haiku Design House


Time truly does fly by! This second last week of my internship had me easing into some more emailers and Sephora launch designs.

Below’s one of the assets created for Shaz & Kiks’ Sephora launch! 😁

This work is created solely for Haiku Design House and is not to be recreated or reused for any other purpose.

Over time, I’ve been able to pick up on the brand language better and can foresee what imagery would/would not work for the brand. I’ve also been able to pick up on hygiene factors for a graphic working/not working, some of them being — quality, colour palette usage, hierarchy in design, consistency in terms of type & elements for eg. if buttons work well enclosed in red rectangles, are all buttons always treated in the same visual manner? 🤔

I think as you build a brand’s visual landscape, you also teach customers familiarity with respect to design. According to me, these subtle but invaluable lessons, only appear along your journey as a designer in the practical world.

Speaking of invaluable lessons and conversations, earlier last week, we had our first ever Friday team call where we discussed our highs and lows as designers, and one that I mentioned was that of intentionally sticking to past templates/approved designs to pick the safe route. To this, my manager encouraged me to focus on the words when I’m having trouble visualizing and piece by piece add in elements that spoke to the purpose of the design. This week, I made an effort to follow that process and it’s truly done wonders 🌟

Below’s a little snippet of an emailer I made at the start of the week:

This work is created solely for Haiku Design House and is not to be recreated or reused for any other purpose.

With this particular emailer, the challenge was to make text easily digestible and we solved the problem by breaking it up into different chunks but in close proximity to link them together.

Lately, I’ve also gotten more comfortable with creating GIFs. Below was one created for another emailer this week:

This work is created solely for Haiku Design House and is not to be recreated or reused for any other purpose.

Looking back on my growth in the last couple of months, I think this internship has instilled so much confidence for me in my abilities to work as a designer. Brands and visual languages do get easier to work with over time and all the skills we’re so insecure about, get better one YouTube video and one design at a time! So no matter what skill you feel insecure about today, always start with baby steps..they get you the farthest!

Thank you for being part of my journey, see you next week! Hope my little learnings take you back to your internship days or possibly get you started on a new one! Stay curious & keep learning! 🌻



Drishti Sunil | Design Intern @ Haiku Design House

A passionate Branding & UI/UX Design enthusiast, seeking new experiences in the world of design and all things creative.