The man who solved his murder case after reincarnation

2 min readJan 18, 2023


A man from the village of Baad, which is about 8 miles from Agra, Uttar Pradesh, born on 11 December 1982 in a military hospital named Toran Singh AKA Titu solved his murder case.

Toran Singh at childhood

It seems that his birth was not recorded so his father registered his birthday as 10 December 1982. As Singh’s mother says, he started talking by the age of 18 months (1 year 4 months) and started telling things like “Tell my grandfather to take care of my children and wife. I am having my meal here and I am worried about them”. As he grew up he started claiming he was in Agra and has no idea how he came to Baad. He keeps complaining about how he used to go in his car everywhere and now he walks and takes the bus to places. Everyone at the house was surprised by Titu’s behaviour.

Once when he learned that his father went to Agra without him, he got furious at his father and said his brother is in there and he has a radio shop in Agra and he was a big smuggler. Taking this as a hint, they searched for the shop in Agra and found it. Titu claimed himself as Suresh Verma. This spread like a wildfire and the Verma family journeyed to Baad to visit Titu. Titu recognised everybody at once. The Verma family kept enquiring him a lot about Suresh and his family to which Titu answered correctly. Then they took him to the shop, where he even recognised the manager which left him confused.

Titu had a birthmark on his right temple and several small ones at the backside of his skull. He also had a bid mark on the crown of his skull which Suresh is said o have. Reading the postmortem report of Suresh Verma, he was shot dead and the bullet passed through his right temple and exited at the back side of his right ear. Titu’s birthmarks symbolised his way of death.

Titu confirmed that he was shot dead by random people when he returned home and he also said their names. When the police arrested and enquired the suspects mentioned by Titu, it was found to be true and hence the case was closed.

