What do I wish I had known before starting Brazilian jiu-jitsu?

2 min readMay 13, 2024
Brazilian jiu-jitsu by Dauntless

Starting Brazilian jiu-jitsu is exciting and scary. When you come onto the mats on 302 BJJ, you find yourself in a place with lots of discipline, skills to learn, and friendship.

Before you start learning grappling, you must know some key things that will help make your journey more accessible and successful. It includes knowing about the mental and physical challenges, staying clean, and avoiding injuries.

This guide reveals what would have been helpful for you before stepping onto the mat.

Full-Body Workout

The way to start Brazilian jiu-jitsu is to train your body with a full-body workout schedule. The essential things are developing your core, getting fitter, and increasing endurance. To continue with exercises that will build muscle mass, try deadlifts, push-ups, and squats.

Moreover, the same number of mobility drills should be done to recruit agility and protect against injuries. A good workout plan that promotes the same performance improvement on the mats and your health and wellness is a priority.

Expect to Tap

Tapping out has not been a stigma of weakness but a vital tool for being physically healthy and safe. Be prepared to tap a lot, especially in the beginning. It is a great moment to be humble and learn resilience.

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, tapping is normal and helps you learn. We tell our students to tap quickly and early to stay safe. It’s important to prioritize safety over pride. Ignoring taps could lead to injuries that might slow down your progress.

Accept mistakes as the norm and use them to encourage potential improvements and the flourishing of your Skills. Remember that everyone taps at a beginner or advanced level, and that’s the only way to proceed toward ultimate mastery.

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Dauntless is a top-notch BJJ and MMA training center in Newark, Delaware. We offer classes for kids aged 3-12, teens, and adults. Visit: https://fightdrive.com/