How To Repay Your Educational Loans For Studying Abroad Faster

Riya Das
3 min readDec 6, 2021

An education loan is an easy and effective way of getting the right funding for your higher education plans. If you have taken educational loans for studying abroad, then you may also be concerned with repaying them in the most convenient manner possible. Thankfully, there are a few ways you can quicken the repayment process. Let’s take a look at 6 such ways.

1. Opt for a lender that offers flexible repayment

When you take an education loan, you should take out time to read the repayment terms of the lender. Doing that helps you understand and structure your loan repayment accordingly. A lender that offers flexible repayment options is usually a good idea as it brings to you many more ways you can repay the loan besides just EMIs. While this may not reduce the loan amount per se, it can definitely make the payment process for that amount easier.

2. Pay during the moratorium period

The moratorium period or the holiday period refers to the duration of time that the lender allots you after you have completed your studies. You have to start repaying the loan as soon as the moratorium period ends. That is why this period is referred to as the holiday period. However, it is to be noted that the interest keeps gaining on the loan amount. If you start repaying the loan amount during the moratorium period, you can reduce the overall tenure for the educational loans for studying abroad.

3. Automate your EMIs

You can reach out to the lender and ask them to automate your EMIs so that you do not miss out on any monthly installments. This not only keeps your payments regular but also effectively reduces the chances of you defaulting on the educational loans for studying abroad.

4. Attempt to repay during your studies

At most of the popular study destinations, there will be many opportunities to gain employment as a part-time worker. You can use these opportunities to earn money and utilize it to repay the education loan even while you are studying. This will help you repay your study loan for UK institutes or USA universities. However, do ensure that this does not affect your studies and academic performance.

5. Make part payments wherever possible

If you have gotten a bonus at work or you have gathered a considerable amount in your savings, you can use it to make part payments towards your educational loans for studying abroad. This will help you decrease the overall loan tenure. Do get adequate information about the part payment or prepayment charges before you make the payment.

6. Opt for loan refinancing

If you feel that the loan amount is a bit too much for you and you would like help in the repayment process, you can opt for loan refinancing. By opting for a good refinancing loan, you can save on your monthly payments.

The terms and conditions of educational loans for studying abroad differ from lender to lender. The information provided here is of a general nature. Do consult an expert or raise queries with the lender before you go ahead with any major financial decisions.



Riya Das

I have considerable information about Student Loans . Through my work, I have provided valuable information about smart borrowing when it comes to this loan.