Why Labiaplasty Isn’t Necessarily about What You Think It Is

Dr. Jennifer Harrington
11 min readAug 21, 2017


According to recent statistics, the number of women having labiaplasty is rising quickly. Maybe you’re familiar with labiaplasty, have never heard of it in your life, or are somewhere in between. In any case, there might be a lot you don’t know about this game-changing procedure. Use this guide to help you understand what labiaplasty actually is and why people choose to have it. Hint: it’s not just about getting a “designer” vagina.

Women get labiaplasty for medical, hygienic, functional and cosmetic reasons.

Examining the Popularity of Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery

While each woman’s individual reasons for having labiaplasty are unique to her, there are some general reasons the procedure is becoming more common than it once was.

  • Women are more comfortable with their sexuality. Today, most women value their sexuality rather than feeling ashamed by it. If a woman was experiencing issues with sexual intimacy in past eras, she would likely have never spoken up about it. That is thankfully not the case anymore.
  • Women are no longer putting themselves last. At one time, it seemed there was an unspoken rule saying that the measure of a woman had much to do with how selflessly she gave of herself for the benefit of everyone else. Of course it’s wonderful to do things for others, but today we understand the importance of self-care and having balance in our lives.
  • Ladies are also less inclined to settle. More and more women refuse to resign themselves to a less than satisfactory sex life or feel that they have to live with body issues that bother them. There’s far less “this is just how it is when you get older,” and much more “I want to be at my best and live a fulfilling life no matter my age.”
  • Grooming habits have changed. There was once a time where a woman barely laid eyes on the raw anatomy of her own vagina. The modern trend of heavy pubic grooming may have made people more aware of the details of their genitals.
  • It’s more widely available. There are more plastic surgeons offering vaginal cosmetic surgery procedures than there once were. While this serves to raise women’s awareness of what’s available, it’s also all the more reason for women to be very discerning when selecting a plastic surgeon.

Types of Labiaplasty

There are two types of labiaplasty. One is designed to reduce and correct elongated or oversized labia minora. The other trims, balances and reshapes enlarged or unevenly-shaped labia majora.

  • Labia Minora Reduction: The shape and size of the labia minora, or inner vaginal lips, are largely determined by genetics. However, hormonal changes, childbirth and aging can also affect the way the labia minora look. If the folds of your inner vaginal lips are large or elongated, you may experience irritation and pain when your labial tissue rubs against your clothing or perhaps a bicycle seat — or even an ordinary chair.

Women with large labia minora might also be concerned that their genital anatomy may be visible through certain types of clothing, and sometimes feel self-conscious or avoid wearing these types of clothes altogether. A fleshy labia minora can also get in the way during sex, making intimate moments less pleasurable than they should be.

During labia minora reduction, a plastic surgeon carefully trims away excess tissue and expertly reshapes the inner labial folds. The result is smaller, more symmetrical inner labia. The procedure takes about 1 to 2 hours and is generally done on an outpatient basis, meaning you can go home the same day.

Enlarged labia minora can cause feminine hygiene issues, and even increase your risk for certain types of injuries.

  • Labia Majora Reduction: Like the labia minora, the way the labia majora look is mostly inherited. Childbirth, weight loss and aging can also change the outer lips of your vagina. Women who have large or asymmetrical labia majora may also experience discomfort or embarrassment when wearing tight bottoms, and even when getting intimate with a partner.

Enlarged labia are usually what cause women to have a “camel-toe” or visible bulges when wearing leggings or swimwear. Large labia majora can also interfere with your lifestyle, making it uncomfortable or even painful to do things like ride a motorcycle or simply straddle a chair. This can cause irritation and could affect your vaginal health. Large labia majora can also create difficulties with vaginal hygiene.

During labia majora reduction surgery, a cosmetic surgeon will use one or more techniques to resize and reshape your outer vaginal lips. Depending on your anatomy and goals, your plastic surgeon may use liposuction to remove excess fat. He or she may also surgically remove tissue through tiny, delicate incisions. The result will be sleeker, more contoured labia majora . This type of labiaplasty is also done as an outpatient procedure.

Reasons to Have Labiaplasty

There are many reasons a woman might choose to have labiaplasty. While cosmetic concerns are sometimes behind the decision, there are plenty of other motivations. Here are some reasons you might want to consider having a labiaplasty procedure.

  • Your labia majora are asymmetrical, and you want to look more smooth and symmetrical.
  • You experience discomfort or pain during sex due to interference from your labia.
  • You avoid wearing tight pants or swimwear because it’s uncomfortable or you feel self-conscious about the way your vagina looks.
  • You are limited in the activities you can enjoy because certain things, such as bicycling, cause irritation, discomfort or pain. Sometimes, even running can cause discomfort if the labial tissue gets caught or rubs between the legs.
  • You feel self-conscious when you are naked, which interferes with your ability to enjoy intimacy.
  • You struggle with feminine hygiene because your labial folds are difficult to keep clean and dry.
  • You would like to feel more pleasure during sex, and feel that your vaginal anatomy limits your ability to do so.

Other Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures

While labiaplasty is the most commonly requested vaginal plastic surgery, there are other cosmetic procedures to help with aesthetic and functional issues not related to the labia. These procedures are sometimes combined with labiaplasty to give a woman the best possible results.

  • Clitoral Hood Reduction: The clitoral hood is a fold of skin that sits at the top of the clitoris, serving to protect against irritation. When the clitoral hood is oversized, it can interfere with sexual sensation. Removing excess tissue in the clitoral hood can help to expose more of the clitoris, which can enhance your ability to become aroused and experience orgasm.

Like all vaginal cosmetic surgery procedures, a clitoral hood reduction must be done with great care and requires an experienced hand. If too much tissue is removed, your clitoris may become overly sensitive and prone to irritation. Talk to your plastic surgeon to get all the facts about clitoral hood reduction.

  • Mons Pubis Liposuction: The mons pubis is the mound of tissue covering your pubic bone. It sits just above the labia. If you have a larger mons pubis, it may cause you to feel uneasy wearing yoga pants or a bathing suit. It can also make clothing and underwear feel uncomfortable. Some women with large mons pubis complain of having a “bulge” in their pubic area which causes them to feel less feminine.

During mons pubis liposuction, a plastic surgeon uses a tiny tool called a cannula to remove fat from the pubic area. Done carefully and correctly, the result is a smoother and more streamlined contour.

  • Geneveve™: Another change many women experience over time is an increase in vaginal laxity or “looseness.” This can be intensified for women who have experienced vaginal childbirth. Geneveve™ is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure that uses cryogen-cooled monopolar radiofrequency waves to gently heat the vaginal tissues.*

Since it’s non-surgical, you can have Geneveve™ on your lunch hour and go right back to work afterward.* The results from this treatment are not immediate. Most women who have Geneveve™ notice a change around 30 days after the procedure, and results can continue to develop and improve for about 3 months.*

Geneveve™ offers a nonsurgical option for vaginal rejuvenation.

The Trim-V Labiaplasty

The Trim-V method is a technique developed by Dr. Jennifer Harrington, a leading plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic gynecological surgeries. For many women, simply reducing the size of the labia minora may not be enough to create the desired outcome. This is because women who have enlarged labia minora may also have a large clitoral hood. If a woman with both has only labiaplasty, the enlarged hood can look even more pronounced.

The Trim-V method combines labia minora reduction with clitoral hood reduction for a result that is more aesthetically pleasing, and more likely to relieve issues of physical discomfort. The Trim-V labiaplasty procedure is exclusively available through Dr. Harrington at her Twin Cities practice.

For the Trim-V labiaplasty, Dr. Harrington uses a curvilinear incision to carefully trim the labia minora to create smoother and more proportionate folds. The incision is precisely formed for a beautiful and natural transition to the clitoral hood. The hood is then delicately reduced so that it is more functional and balanced.

Finding the Right Plastic Surgeon for Your Labiaplasty

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is always the biggest deciding factor in what kind of results you’ll get. When you’re trusting someone to work on your most intimate and delicate areas, you should be incredibly selective about who that person will be. Here are some tips to help you find a plastic surgeon who is qualified to do your labiaplasty or other vaginal cosmetic surgery.

  • Only work with a board certified plastic surgeon. Make sure your plastic surgeon holds current board certification from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Board certified plastic surgeons uphold higher standards of safety, quality of care and ethics. They are also more educated and experienced, and must submit to regular reviews and meet continued education requirements to maintain certification.
  • Choose a female surgeon: It is highly recommended that you go with a female plastic surgeon for your labiaplasty. A woman has a more in-depth understanding of women’s hygiene issues. She will also have real-life insight into how important comfort, confidence and sexuality are to a woman. A female plastic surgeon may also have a greater appreciation for the way vaginal anatomy can affect other aspects of a womans life.
  • Select a plastic surgeon you get along well with. The way you interact with your plastic surgeon is very important, and you have to be able to talk comfortably in order to get your best results. Your plastic surgeon should listen to your concerns and answer your questions honestly. Find someone who is caring, professional and makes you feel comfortable and confident.
  • Look for the right experience. Not only should you only work with a plastic surgeon who has been in business for a while, you should narrow your search to only those who specialize in gynecological cosmetic surgery.
  • Go for someone with rave reviews. Even the best plastic surgeon might have the occasional negative review. However, someone who consistently produces great results will probably have the positive ratings and reviews to reflect it.
  • Insist on an accredited operating center. Another advantage of having a board certified plastic surgeon is that they will always operate in a hospital or accredited surgical center. An accredited center must meet certain safety and hygiene criteria. There are strict regulations in place to ensure the highest quality of patient care, and only licensed anesthesiologists and credentialed professionals are allowed to assist.

Your Labiaplasty Consultation

Part of choosing your labiaplasty surgeon is having a face-to-face consultation. During your plastic surgery consultation, it’s your job to find out as much as you can. Here are a few things you should understand afterward.

Whether you are a good candidate: Your cosmetic surgeon may ask questions about your health and medical history, as well as your lifestyle choices to find out if you are healthy enough for surgery. For instance, if you smoke cigarettes you may be asked to quit before being considered a good candidate.

At your labiaplasty consultation, your plastic surgeon will explain the different vaginal cosmetic procedures and the various methods for doing them.

If your expectations are realistic: Part of what helps a plastic surgeon decide if you are a good surgical candidate is whether your expectations are within a realistic range. Together, you should discuss your concerns and what you hope to achieve by having labiaplasty.

If the plastic surgeon and his or her practice are the right fit for you: Your consultation is a time for you to observe a surgeon and their practice to decide if it’s a place you feel good about. Pay attention to details from cleanliness to professionalism, and don’t hesitate to ask lots of questions.

Recovering from Labiaplasty

After you have labiaplasty, your plastic surgeon will give you detailed instructions for how to take care of yourself in the days, weeks and months after your procedure. Follow them closely to ensure a smoother recovery and your best possible results. Here are a few things to expect as you recover from labiaplasty.

  • You will probably have some mild discomfort, bruising and swelling for approximately 5 to 7 days after having labiaplasty. You can wear a sanitary pad to address any post-operative bleeding during this time.

Talk to your plastic surgeon about managing any pain or discomfort you may experience after having labiaplasty.

  • Most women can return to work within 3 to 4 days after having labiaplasty. The exact timeline varies from woman to woman, and how long you take off work depends on your comfort level as well as the type of work you do. (If you work in an office, a few days is probably fine. If you’re a professional equestrian, you will probably have to quite literally stay off the horse for a bit longer.)
  • You won’t be able to have sex for 6 weeks. You’ll also have to stay away from using tampons for 10 days after your surgery. Failing to follow these rules could compromise your results, and might even cause injury.
  • You may be given antibiotics to prevent infection while you heal. If so, be sure to take them as prescribed and complete the whole cycle.
  • Your plastic surgeon will probably use dissolving sutures, so you won’t have to worry about going in to get them removed.
  • You will be given a follow-up appointment so your plastic surgeon can check that you are healing well and your results are developing nicely. If you have any concerns during your recovery, don’t hesitate to reach out to your plastic surgeon.

What Else You Should Know about Labiaplasty

There are still a few things to clear up when it comes to women’s vaginal anatomy and procedures such as labiaplasty.

  • There’s no particular way a woman’s intimate anatomy should look. Don’t think of yourself as abnormal if your labia aren’t perfectly balanced or protrude from your vaginal area. There’s nothing wrong having labia of any shape or size. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to change your genital anatomy for functional or cosmetic reasons — or both.
  • Never have labiaplasty (or any cosmetic procedure) to please someone else or to meet some standard you feel is put forth by the media. The decision to have cosmetic gynecological surgery is a very personal one, and should only be done if it’s what you want to do (rather than what you think someone else wants you to do).
  • Labiaplasty can be included in a “mommy makeover.” Since many women experience changes in the way their vagina looks and functions after childbirth, labiaplasty and other vaginal plastic surgery procedures can be the perfect addition to a mommy makeover.

*This information is for education only, courtesy of www.viveve.com, and is not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary.



Dr. Jennifer Harrington

Dr. Jennifer Harrington is an exceptionally talented Minneapolis / St. Paul plastic surgeon who delivers excellent care and unsurpassed results to her patients.