The biography of Albert Einstein, the world’s greatest scientist

Barbod zolanvari
8 min readJan 13, 2024


Most of you know Albert Einstein. He was the one who gave us the theory of relativity. Many scholars call him an unparalleled genius and the greatest scientist in the world. Many of Einstein’s theories and researches caused fundamental changes in the progress of science in the world and had lasting effects. His services to science are commendable.

Einstein’s biography:

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 at 11:30 am local time in a Jewish family in the city of Ulm in Württemberg, Germany, located 100 km from Stuttgart. His father, Hermann Einstein, was a salesman who later founded an electrochemical factory, and his mother was Pauline Nie Koch. They were married in the Stuttgart-Bad Synagogue.

Albert’s father, Hermann Einstein, had a small factory for the production of electro-chemical products and he operated it with the help of his brother, who was the technical manager of the factory. Although he did not have full insight in the work of transactions.

In terms of political opinions, Albert’s father, like many German people, although he was opposed to the Prussian government, he praised the new German empire and honored its prime minister Bismarck, general Moltke, and the old emperor, Wilhelm I. had

Einstein’s mother’s name was Palin Koch and she was a housewife. Before marriage, her mother was a woman who was artistic and had the feelings that are typical for artists, and the biggest factor of her happiness in life and her means of consolation from the science of the times was music.

At the time of birth, Albert’s mother was very worried because his head was so big and he had a strange posture. Although with his growth, the size of his head was less visible, but it is clear from his photos that his head was bigger than his body. This feature in people with large heads is called “benign big head” which has nothing to do with disease or cognitive problems.

Albert Einstein was never a child prodigy and it even took him a long time to be able to speak, which worried his parents a lot.

Einstein, Albert Einstein

Do you know who Einstein is?

Activities of Albert Einstein

In the biography of Albert Einstein, you read that he was very interested in music and started learning the violin at the age of 5, and this young genius became very interested in this instrument and continued to play it in his young years for the rest of his life. gave

Einstein also joined their family business, but due to their bankruptcy, they had to move to northern Italy, and it was there that the young Einstein wrote an article that is now known as his first scientific article. This paper investigated the nature of the ether, and this hypothesis was based on a description of how light travels through space, and was later rejected by Einstein. And it is interesting to know that Albert Einstein published more than 300 scientific articles until the end of his life.

In 1900, he graduated from the Polytechnic University of Zurich in Switzerland with a degree in teaching physics. He had considerable talent in theoretical physics courses, but his math grades were not that good. Later, when he got older, he said about this issue: It was not clear to me as a student that the complex knowledge of the fundamental rules of physics is so closely tied to the complex methods of mathematics.

Einstein met Mileva when he was studying at the Polytechnic University in Zurich, Switzerland, who was his physics classmate, but he never finished his studies. They were married in 1903. Their first son was named Hans Albert Einstein.

But even with his physics teaching degree, he could not start teaching at a university and gave up trying to continue his doctoral studies. But getting a doctorate degree could have helped him find a suitable job, but Albert instead got a job in 1903 as an employee of the Patent Office in Bern, Germany. It was two years later that he published his special theory of relativity.

Einstein’s biography, who is Einstein?

Who is Einstein?

After 2 years of working as an employee of the patent office, Albert Einstein published four scientific articles in the prestigious Annals of Physics journal.

  • The first article deals with the radiation and characteristics of light in terms of energy.
  • • The second article deals with determining the actual size of the atom.
  • • The fourth article is currently not more than a preliminary draft and contains a version of the theory of space and time.

Albert studied regularly and year after year according to the Catholic teachings and enjoyed it very much, and even in the subjects that depended on the Catholic canons and religious laws, he became so strong that he could do everything that his fellow students could not. Answer the teacher’s questions, he would help them.

Albert Einstein left elementary school at the age of 10 and entered the “Lewitt Pool” secondary school in Munich. In secondary school, if they committed a mistake, the way and custom of punishing them was that they should be detained in the classroom after the end of the lesson, under the supervision of one of the teachers. It was considered real torture.

Who is Einstein, Albert Einstein’s biography

Biography of Albert Einstein

Einstein challenged traditional theories from the very beginning of his education and scientific studies. He believed that Newtonian physics was not sufficient to explain many natural phenomena.

It was at the end of 1905 that Einstein wrote his most famous equation

1905 was later called Einstein’s “miracle year”. Before the end of this year, he published a fifth paper, which was an addendum to his previous paper on the theory of special relativity. This addition defined a new relationship between mass and energy, which ultimately resulted in the most well-known equation in the world: E=mc2.

Four years later, in 1909, Einstein was offered his first permanent academic position. He initially rejected the offer.

In 1908, Einstein accepted the offer of a temporary professorship at the University of Bern. However, after two semesters of teaching, he closed his class because the number of participants had reached one. The following year, 1909, Albert Einstein was offered his first permanent academic position as a full professor at the University of Zurich. He rejected it at first, because the income was less than his salary as an employee at the patent office. The University of Zurich proposed more rights, which was finally accepted by Einstein.

Einstein, Einstein’s biography

Biography of Albert Einstein

Einstein had an illegitimate daughter from Mileva Marić. (Who he later married.) In 1902, a year before their marriage, Mileva gave birth to a daughter named Lieserl, whom Einstein never met and whose fate remains unknown.

The rest of Lisrel’s life is not yet fully known. Michele Zackheim wrote in her book “Einstein’s Daughter” that she died of scarlet fever in September 1903.

After marrying Mileva Marik, they had 2 sons, after famous scientist Einstein separated from his wife due to being cold and Einstein married his cousin named Elsa.

Einstein’s studies and research results made him a well-known person in scientific circles at the age of 26. One of Einstein’s controversial experiences was studying the atomic bomb and proposing its construction to the US president. Of course, he later realized the irreparable dangers of this scientific discovery and, together with Bertrand Russell, took serious measures to prevent the development of this deadly weapon.

Albert Einstein was a German theoretical physicist and creator of the theory of relativity. He is considered one of the pillars of modern physics and quantum mechanics, and he made his name in the history of science by developing the famous mass-energy relationship formula (E=mc2). In 1921, Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his extensive activities in theoretical physics, especially the discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. The law of photoelectric effect became one of the foundations of quantum theory.

Einstein did an extraordinary thing during the impending world war

Despite his cold relationship with his wife and the start of the First World War, he managed to make one of the greatest scientific advances of the 20th century in 1915: the theory of general relativity.

This new theory, which allowed his theory of special relativity to be used more, claimed that space and time are not two separate entities, but are a single element that he named space-time. But there was a problem.

Einstein, Einstein’s biography

Elsa, Albert Einstein’s second wife

World fame and Nobel Prize

He now had to prove the correctness of his theory, since Einstein’s genius lay in his mind experiments and challenged conventional science, he had to find a way to prove his theory of general relativity through experiment and observation.

Sir Frank Watson found a solution for this in 1917: measuring the apparent position of stars close to the Sun. But this could only be done in a rare event like a total solar eclipse, when the moon blocks the sunlight from reaching the earth. (Without a total solar eclipse, the strong light of the Sun prevents the observation of nearby stars).

Einstein’s theory of general relativity was tested in 1919; Of course not by himself

If Einstein was right, the apparent position of the stars that were near the sun during a solar eclipse should have been slightly different from their actual position, because spacetime should have rippled around it due to the sun’s gravity and bent the path of the stars’ light. did As a result, the apparent position of the desired star should look slightly different.

In 1919, Sir Arthur Eddington performed this experiment during a total solar eclipse, proving Einstein’s theory correct and making him an overnight superstar.

World War II and the atomic bomb

The 1940s were a very sad time for Einstein. His son Edward was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1930 and was hospitalized for the rest of his life. In 1933, one of Albert’s closest friends, Paul Ehrenfest, committed suicide, and three years later, his wife Elsa died.

At the end of this decade, physicists discovered a way to use Einstein’s famous formula to make an atomic bomb. Albert had done some research on this in 1920; But he quickly rejected the possibility. However, during 1938–1939, scientists such as Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann, Lise Meitner, and Otto Frisch concluded that the splitting of a uranium atom would release an enormous amount of energy. This finding faced the world physics community with a strange shock.

Einstein, Einstein’s biography

Theories of Albert Einstein

The last years of Einstein’s life

This period of spying in the semi-isolation of Princeton was mixed with anxiety and turmoil. There were still 10 more years left in Einstein’s life, but this ten-year period coincided with the beginning of the age of the atomic bomb and humanity began its training and education in this field.

Therefore, the real issue that was raised for him was not the issue of how the atomic bomb was created, although our intention here is to give a brief overview of Einstein’s relationship with the major political events of the last years of his life, if we do not mention two basic issues. This perspective will also be incomplete.

One of them is the famous letter that he had to send for his cooperation in the former Soviet Union, and the second is the description of the events that caused a great change in the conditions of American physicists, especially atomic scientists, inside their own country.

Einstein’s studies after his death were also an honor for this legendary scientist. In 1993, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of gravitational waves predicted by Einstein. In 1995, the Nobel Prize was awarded for research on the discovery of Bose-Einstein condensation.

Einstein )

Now we can observe in a more proper way everything that sometimes darkened the end of his life, and finally on April 18, 1955, the greatest scientist and thinker of the 20th century, the prophet of peace and the supporter and defender of the afflicted of the world, a man who probably accompanied He has been more famous than all the men in the world with Napoleon and Beethoven. He stopped living, thinking and fighting in the city of Princeton, located in the United States of North America, and left the world and passed away.

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