Poseidon: A Kubernetes Cluster Visualization & Cost Analysis Tool

3 min readFeb 9, 2023


Co-authored by William Moody, Alina Grafkina, Sarah Chow, Josh Edwards

Poseidon Logo: Empower your Kubernetes

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is the leading open-source container orchestration system for automating software deployment, scaling, and management. It is a fantastic solution to the problem of managing the ever-increasing number of containers that need to be created in order to meet server load-balancing requirements for a deployed application.

Kubernetes Visualization

One of the major challenges businesses face is managing the containerization of their applications and visualizing the activity of Kubernetes clusters outside of the terminal. Furthermore, minimizing the cost of deploying the clusters to the developer’s preferred cloud environment or managing deployed clusters in the cloud is another hurdle. This problem becomes more complex as the application scales and more nodes and pods are required to maintain overall cluster health when the application begins to deal with increasing network traffic. While there are many third-party applications to aid in this, there isn’t a single application that both visualizes the cluster metrics as graphs and gives you deployment cost feedback.

Poseidon is the Solution

Empower your Kubernetes with cluster visualization and cost analysis all in one place! Poseidon is a DevOps, open-source product that specializes in connecting to your Kubernetes cluster and rendering cluster metrics as graphs. It gives the user the power to integrate both cloud and local clusters. It also utilizes Kubecost to display expected monthly expenses for your cluster deployment, whether that is pre-deployment or post-deployment to the cloud. With minimal setup, Poseidon can seamlessly integrate your clusters with Prometheus, Grafana, and Kubecost. This product was created specifically for developers that strongly desire a harmonious integration of various technologies into a single, one-stop-shop for managing your Kubernetes clusters!

Visualizer Dashboard
Cost Analysis

How to Use Poseidon

Please check out our GitHub repository for quick-start instructions!

Poseidon Demo

Poseidon was developed for the open-source community under the tech accelerator by OSLabs. Our team is honored to deliver this application to the open-source community and we are looking forward to making future contributions. We appreciate any feedback, stars, and suggestions on our GitHub. If you’re interested, please connect with us below!

Tech Stack

TypeScript | React | Next.js | Tailwind | NoSQL | Cypress | Prometheus | Helm | Grafana | Kubecost | Docker | Kubernetes | Webpack

Easy Integration

AWS | Google Kubernetes Engine | Minikube

Meet the Poseidon Team

Alina Grafkina: Linkedin | Github

Sarah Chow: Linkedin | Github

Josh Edwards: Linkedin | Github

William Moody: Linkedin | Github

