A Notorious Disease of Young Ambitious Adults!

Dr kamlesh Ram
3 min readAug 10, 2022


A moment after Laser surgery…!

A young boy who was studying hard for his NEET or JEE entrance exam since 6 months. Too much pressure of family, peers and also he had his own dream of becoming rich and powerful man. As exam dates coming nearer, his schedule of reading was increased from 4–5 hours to 8–10 hours. Sitting long time in chair, hardly move an inch during interesting topics or concentrating on solving questions. Maintaining a personal hygiene wasn’t his concern then. Gaining weight, Anxiety or performance pressure, uncut long hairs on scalp. He was just like a warrior focusing his battle.

One morning all of a sudden slight discomfort in lower back putting him in trouble focusing. He just readjusted his seat or cushion and got back to his battle. Next day discomfort turned into Pain and he went to washroom to check what was wrong there. He was scared when he found a swelling (Boil) in his lower back. He again got back to his study thinking to get some pain killer after he finished favourite yet improtant topic. He took some over the counter pill for his pain and spent few hours studying. He started feeling pain again after pill power got over. He took another one and goes to sleep in hope of Good Morning. After 2–3 days of pills control pain, finally that moment came when there was a burst of swelling releasing foul smell pus discharge mixed with blood. He was relieved with a thought of mastering that culprit on his own.

After few days, again he felt the same discofort that became painful in few hours. He was so frustrated what to do as exam coming soon and now this making him unable to focus on study. He finally told his mother about this and they both visited nearby general practitioners. Doctor advised him some antibiotics and pain-killer. He was fine now and back to his battle. A very happy and productive week was there. after 15 days when he was full of energy to crack the codes of winning battle, He was sensed the same feeling at same place. He was devastated and visited same doctor with his mother. This time doctor asked him to seek Surgeon’s advice. He searched online for good Surgeon and booked an appointment. After history taking and careful examination at Surgeon’s clinic, He was diagnosed with PILONIDAL SINUS/ CYST.

What is this ?

Pilonidal sinus/ cyst is a sinus tract (Blind tract with one opening in skin) filled with hairs. It is more common in patient with a habit or job to sit for a long time at same place. Young, Obese or patients with hair overgrowth are more prone for this disease.

Surgery is the only Option of treatment. Various kind of surgical treament available including old conventional open or flap surgery aiming to remove sinus tracts and newer advanced Laser treatment aiming to closed the sinus tracts.

Dont delay it with medicines and unauthentic advices which always lead to worsening of current situation only. Seek Surgical treatment ASAP from best Surgeon available.

Pilonidal sinus is very famously known for lengthy treatment and more prone for failure and recurrence which can ruin your life at an early age.



Dr kamlesh Ram

Laser Proctologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Founder of Dr. Ram's Advanced Surgical Hospital, Ahmedabad, India.