The future of behavioural science: how data will shape our understanding of human behavior

Dr Kerstin
2 min readApr 6, 2023


As our understanding of human behaviour continues to evolve, behavioural science is poised to play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of our society. Two recent articles highlight the latest trends and techniques used by behavioural science teams, as well as the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Image source: RobotEnomics

According to a recent article by Mariya Yao, behavioural science teams are increasingly using a data-driven approach, leveraging machine learning and predictive analytics to identify behavioural patterns and personalise interventions. By analysing vast amounts of data from multiple sources, behavioural science teams can gain deeper insights into the factors that drive human behaviour and develop more effective interventions.

However, as Yao points out, the increasing reliance on data also raises important ethical and social questions. Behavioural science teams need to be mindful of issues like data privacy, transparency, and informed consent to ensure their interventions are ethical and responsible.

Another article, by Samuel Salzer, highlights the importance of collaboration and cross-disciplinary thinking in the future of behavioural science. The future of behavioural science will require a diverse range of skills, including psychology, design, technology, and business. By bringing together experts from different fields, we can develop more holistic and effective solutions to complex behavioural problems.

Looking ahead, the future of behavioural science is both exciting and challenging. By harnessing the power of data and collaboration, we can gain deeper insights into human behaviour and develop more effective interventions that improve people’s lives. However, we also need to be mindful of the ethical and social implications of our work and work towards responsible and ethical practices.

So, the future of behavioural science is full of opportunities and potential and by working collaboratively, we can desing a better future for all.

What are your thoughts on the future of behavioural and data science?

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Dr Kerstin

Behavioural and gamification designer, award winning, TEDx speaker, PhD