Understanding and Treating Gallbladder Stones: A Comprehensive Guide

2 min readApr 4, 2024


Gallbladder stones, medically termed as gallstones, are hardened deposits that form within the gallbladder. This condition can lead to various uncomfortable symptoms such as sharp upper abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and belching. Recognizing these symptoms is crucial as they may indicate the presence of gallstones. In this article, we will delve into the symptoms, treatment options, and the importance of consulting with a top gastrointestinal surgeon for effective management of gallbladder stones.

Symptoms of Gallbladder Stones:

Sharp Upper Abdominal Pain: Gallstones can cause intense pain in the upper abdomen, often radiating towards the back or right shoulder blade.
Nausea and Vomiting: Many individuals with gallstones experience bouts of nausea and may vomit due to the discomfort.

Belching: Excessive belching, especially after meals, can be a symptom of gallbladder stones.
Other Symptoms: Additional symptoms may include bloating, indigestion, and intolerance to fatty foods.
Treatment Options:

Medications: In some cases, medications may be prescribed to dissolve gallstones. However, this approach is typically reserved for small cholesterol stones and may take months or even years to be effective.
Diet Control: Adopting a low-fat diet can help reduce symptoms associated with gallstones. Avoiding high-fat, greasy foods can alleviate discomfort.

Laparoscopic Surgery: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure, is the gold standard treatment for gallbladder stones. During this procedure, the gallbladder is removed, providing permanent relief from symptoms.

Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): ERCP may be recommended to remove bile duct stones that have migrated from the gallbladder. This procedure involves inserting a flexible tube through the mouth and into the bile duct to remove the stones.

Consulting with the Best Gastrointestinal Surgeon:

Dr. Kumaragurubaran, a renowned gastroenterologist and laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai, specializes in the treatment of gallbladder stones. With his expertise and advanced treatment solutions, patients can expect personalized care and effective management of their condition. Seeking consultation with Dr. Kumaragurubaran is the first step towards relief from gallbladder stones.


Gallbladder stones can cause significant discomfort and impact daily life. Understanding the symptoms and seeking timely treatment is essential for managing this condition effectively. Whether through medication, dietary adjustments, or surgical intervention, relief from gallbladder stones is achievable with the guidance of a skilled gastrointestinal surgeon like Dr. Kumaragurubaran. Don’t let gallbladder stones dictate your quality of life — take the first step

