Web3: The Future of Digital Advertising Beyond Walled Gardens?

5 min readNov 5, 2023


Digital advertising, a cornerstone of modern business strategies, is facing an uncertain future.

With the three major walled gardens — Meta, Google, and Amazon — holding over 60% of the global digital ad market share, brands are feeling constrained.

This dominance has limited their reach and engagement potential, leaving many to seek alternatives.

As we venture into the Web3 era, there’s hope for a more decentralized and equitable advertising landscape, but it’s crucial to navigate this transition wisely.

The Current Quandary in Digital Advertising

The impending demise of third-party cookies is just the tip of the iceberg. The stranglehold of walled gardens has created an environment where brands are heavily reliant on a few platforms. This dependency has skewed the balance of power, with these tech giants dictating terms, often sidelining brands’ autonomy and compromising user privacy.

Why Web3?

Web3 is seen as the future of digital advertising because it offers a decentralized and transparent ecosystem. Unlike traditional digital advertising that relies on walled gardens like Facebook and Google, Web3 aims to create an open and permissionless environment where users have more control over their data and can directly engage with advertisers.

With Web3, users can own and manage their data, allowing them to decide which information to share and with whom. This shift empowers users and gives them the ability to participate in the advertising ecosystem on their own terms.

Photo by Ronak Valobobhai on Unsplash

Web3: A Beacon of Hope

Amidst this backdrop, the transition from Web2 to Web3 represents more than just a technological evolution. It’s a beacon of hope for a more democratic digital space. As highlighted by Safary, Ben Plomion, Web3, underpinned by blockchain and decentralization, promises a user-centric internet era. This shift could dilute the dominance of tech giants, offering a level playing field where even smaller brands can thrive.

In this new era, users are no longer mere commodities but empowered participants with control over their data and digital assets.

Wallet-Based Marketing: A Fresh Perspective

Wallet-based marketing in Web3 refers to a novel approach to digital advertising and engagement that leverages the unique capabilities of blockchain-based digital wallets. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Digital Wallets in Web3: In the context of Web3, a digital wallet is not just a tool to store cryptocurrencies. It’s a software-based system that securely holds a user’s cryptographic keys, allowing them to interact with blockchain networks. This includes sending and receiving cryptocurrencies, interacting with decentralized applications (DApps), and managing their digital identity and assets.
  2. User-Centric Approach: Wallet-based marketing focuses on the user’s digital wallet as a primary touchpoint. Since each wallet has a unique address, it can be used to identify and engage with users in a personalized manner without compromising their privacy.
  3. Permission-Based Engagement: One of the core principles of Web3 is user sovereignty over their data. Wallet-based marketing respects this by allowing users to choose which information they want to share and with whom. Brands can request permission to access certain data or perform specific actions, and users have the final say.
  4. Direct and Transparent Interactions: By interacting directly with a user’s wallet, brands can ensure transparent and tamper-proof engagements. For instance, a brand could send a tokenized voucher to a user’s wallet, which can be redeemed for goods or services.
  5. Enhanced User Autonomy: Wallet-based marketing can lead to more ethical and privacy-centric targeting. Users can grant selective access to their wallets, ensuring that advertising respects their autonomy. This can lead to higher engagement rates as users feel more in control and valued.
  6. Potential for Innovative Campaigns: The capabilities of blockchain and smart contracts open up new possibilities for marketing campaigns. For example, brands could create tokenized loyalty programs where rewards are automatically distributed to users’ wallets based on certain criteria.

In summary, wallet-based marketing in Web3 offers a shift from the traditional advertising models, emphasizing user privacy, direct engagement, and transparent interactions. It represents a move towards more ethical and effective marketing practices in the decentralized digital landscape.

As traditional advertising tools face obsolescence, innovative solutions like wallet-based marketing, as explored by Dialog, emerge. By granting selective access to these wallets, brands can engage in ethical, privacy-centric targeting. This approach ensures advertising is not only effective but also respects user autonomy, potentially leading to higher engagement and better ROI.

Photo by Mark König on Unsplash

Challenges and The Road Ahead

While the principles of Web3 and tools like digital wallets offer a promising future, it’s essential to recognize that we’re in the early stages. The level of adoption is not yet widespread. Potential hurdles include regulatory challenges, the need for new infrastructure, and the inevitable learning curve for both advertisers and consumers.

However, the foundational ideas presented here don’t paint a new El Dorado but rather a reconsideration of digital advertising’s future.

We encourage brands and agencies to collaborate in shaping a more promising future for advertising and marketing, built on mutual value and consumer respect. Otherwise, we risk reverting to our current starting point.


The Web3 era provides a blueprint for a more transparent, equitable, and engaging digital advertising future. It’s not about chasing a golden dream but reimagining and reshaping the future with the user at its heart. As we stand at this crossroads, it’s imperative for tech developers, advertisers, and consumers to collaborate, ensuring a smooth and beneficial transition.

Will the marketing industry rise to the challenge and embrace this new frontier?

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Dr Laurent, is co-Founder of Brand3index,. He helps brands measure their ROI & Maturity in Web3. He is a full time Professor at Université Paris Panthéon-Assas.