ALTLEFT Oxymoron

Tore (Τερψη) Maras
9 min readAug 23, 2017

Surrendering Freedom in the name of Freedom

The above video is a compilation of the direction we are heading into.

Everyone who knows me well has heard the story of how my husband who’s not an American but a LEGAL immigrant from the UK referenced the Demolition Man on his first visit to the USA. Let me give you a bit of a chuckle before I delve into the seriousness of my post.

Picture this: It’s 2 am we just left ATL international and get our car rental headed for our hotel. Kids are half asleep in the back seat when the eldest says she is hungry. My husband proceeds to say we will get room service. Then I reminded him that the agent booked us the at the Hyatt Inn- because the Hilton didn’t have the room we wanted so, we best pick something up on our way. I use the GPS that came with the car rental and locate a Taco Bell. That’s the only place we all know will definitely be opened at 2 a.m. on a weekend for sure. I punch in the details and he says

“Taco Bell? No way ! I am not in the mood to have to open the suitcase and put on my smoking jacket to eat food that won’t fill me up. The portions are so small. Besides we have euros and only 70 USD dollars with us”.

I interjected. “Ok, well we have our cards, and besides $70 is enough to feed a whole battalion at Taco Bell and you don’t have to get dressed up — you look fine”

His rant on why Taco Bell was not appropriate began. “Their portions are small and it’s a fancy place I don’t want to leave hungry. I don’t think they let kids in anyway it’s too fancy”. I couldn’t contain myself — I laughed so hard. Never in my life had I laughed so hard. He was just about to pull over so that we can find a McDonald’s or something when I said it is up the road — and urged him to just take a look in between laughing and crying. At this point the kids were wide awake laughing because I was ugly laughing. We near Taco Bell and he sees a drive thru with 20 cars. “This is Taco Bell?” he asked genuinely perplexed. Apparently I had never seen the movie “Demolition Man” beause he thought their depiction of Taco Bell was genuine. I didn’t watch the movie up until two years ago and again the other night since it was on Direct TV as I was surfing.

I was watching Tucker on Fox last night when I saw him discussing the silencing of Free Speech. It dawned on me. Wow! We are literally living in the era that is the PRELUDE to every single Sci-Fi movie out there which surrendered their rights of privacy and speech that leads to an apocalyptic future. I literally felt a bit of panic. How many of you have seen a movie that shows the great divide between ELITISTS #deepstate and the people? Does the #AltLeft know that they are perpetuating such an outcome?


Watching the movie Demolition Man the day before and watching Tucker Carlson’s last night and the opposition he had advocating it, I felt sick. We are the PRELUDE! It seems that the MSM channels like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NY Times, Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post basically almost every single media outlet that is NOT independent is trying to manipulate people to WELCOME such a situation. FOX News : Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity have shined light on this covert yet unapologetic attack on our First Amendment right.

Last night, Tucker Carlson again, reported it and brought light to the movement of chipping our First Amendment right, slowly — right under our noses. They are advocating to do just what you see in the first video clip of this post … they are demanding to create laws to determine what speech is allowed and what is NOT. We have the First Amendment that protects ANY speech that is what makes the USA stand out from the rest of the world. This is the land that allows you to think, speak and express yourself in any way you want. Does the #AltLeft really want to start policing thoughts? Do they know what they are doing? I mean who is the righteous one that choses what is ALLOWED and NOT ALLOWED? Isn’t this WHY the United States was founded? People fleeing Europe for supression of speech, blasphemy trials, torture if you dare spoke against your King or Queen.

I hope that my post finds it’s way to their hands because they need to realize the people they are trying to silence are the ones fighting for their right to scream, wear vaginas on their heads, cry in public etc. We the silent majority are the ones trying to hold onto our Nation while they are trying to destroy it in the name of “freedom” by destroying the very freedoms we hold. The #AltLeft is so deranged that when a “conservative” account — or any account that posts any support for President Trump is shut down, kicked off the internet etc… they celebrate. What if we demand the same? What if those who don’t agree with you in the masses demand the same… you know what happens then? Policing of language. Policing of everything.

Funny thing how voice recognition works. Me and my friend were having a convo on Facebook messenger using the call feature- we discussed things like items we wish to purchase and where we would like to go on vacay. That very day after the conversation my Facebook feed was riddled with advertisements for cruises and almost everything we mentioned purchasing. We are the PRELUDE. Stop following the guided thoughts CNN and other mainstream media outlets feed you. Use your judgement. Do you want to be one of the people everyone will hate in the future for voluntarily and so blindly waiving our rights to freedom?

It’s like @alyssamilano — I loathe her. Aside from being a has been — she advocates silencing of #freespeech in the name of #IhateDonaldTrump . It’s people like her that are the worst of all. Does, Cindy of Laguna Beach who works at Starbucks with two degrees and can’t find a job but advocates for illegal immigrants, hating Trump simply for breathing and anyone that may be a gun owner or work for a living.. think that Alyssa Milano gives a crap about you? You like and support her #antiAmerican speech advocating to silence every single american … but does she care that your expensive education still has you in your mom’s basement? NO. She helping you pay your debt? NO. That is because every single moronic Alyssa Milano wants to make sure her KIDS and her KIDS KIDS have a spot in Sector 1. Funny how that works. You are like those pathetic fans with no cause- following them over a cliff in the name of what? Sacrificing your freedom. Cindy, Josh, Arianna, whatever your name is, whom I like to condescendingly refer to as snowflake… think of this. If they succeed with passing such “laws” making our First Amendment redundant do you think you will be able to protest? Advocate for a cause like save the whales? Or save the forest or anything? NO you won’t. By the time you realize it — you won’t even be remembered by socialist hungry Hollywood has beens that glamorize surrendering our rights.

OK, So you hate President Donald J Trump (Official Team Trump )We get it . Alot of us weren’t fond of Bush, Clinton and of course Obama but we didn’t start wrecking cities, screaming or telling OBAMA fans to shut up or demanding to erase “painful” monuments, or destroy careers of people cause their names are too similar to slave owners etc.(#RobertLee) We sucked it up and made sure when elections came around the right people were up and we used that vote to make a difference. You shouldn’t be celebrating or advocating his failure. He is our President like it or not and if he fails WE FAIL. You can dislike the personality of your President. You can disagree on anything he does because of xyz — but you CAN’T force other people to be quiet when they express themselves in regards to policies or borders or money or taxes or laws. You, just like every other single American are protected by the Constitution. You have the right to free speech just as anyone else. BUT KKK right?

The KKK has existed for decades — they are a handful of people and no one cares what they have to say. Their ideology to me, is no different that that of someone who kills for fun, rapes kids, tortures people — no difference they are just pure evil. Using these extremists that have have been around for decades (and remember they were and still are a DEMOCRATIC LOBBY ), as a reason to advocate the elimination of free speech by conservatives is unacceptable. The freedom that allows you to protest is the same freedom you wish to silence. I despise the KKK, but I respect their right to walk around in stupid hoods and say their piece because they can.

Let’s pretend that you silence free speech — rallies and protests are no longer allowed because #russia right? Really guys. Today the notions and advocations you make will help the elitist swamp monsters of DC create the ultimate chiasm between elites and the rest. You will be that faction of low lifes you see in movies. Remember in the Hunger Games — how everyone was upset in the past and created laws to disallow free speech. Then remember how they segregated factions into worker colonies as slaves.. pretty much to cater to the elites. This is what YOU #AltLeft are doing. You are perpetuating it because the MSM has painted a picture of a man who they never slandered until he ran for President as someone unhinged. He doesn’t want to implement the PLAN that’s all. The PLAN that was supposed to happen if Hillary was elected. You still don’t get it. #NAU

Like millions of Americans today, I included, sit and think. “How do we fight this?” We have social media but now they are silencing us there too. Drowning out the voice of the people trying to keep hold of our country’s foundations. Twitter is banning, locking, censoring and even outright IP banning conservative voices. Tweets are throttled, profiles hidden, locked passwords that never get fixed, “Abusive” reporting. Not only that Youtube, demonetizing anything conservative but paying ISIS propaganda channels? Paypal blocking group’s accounts for hate? Can a bank do that? Web hosting companies deciding what websites can be up and what not? GoFundMe, freezing funds for alternative media? Southern Poverty Law Center even doxxed my simple ND for Trump Group as a hate group. Remember SPLC is funded by the Clintons and created by Obama for this VERY PURPOSE to help control the narrative so that the transition of the PLAN is easy. Sounds crazy? Yeah so did the notion of the earth being round back in the day, or women wearing pants, or working women, or landing on the moon … All sounded crazy but guess what they weren’t.

What if the conservatives started doing the same? What if I refuse to treat sick #altleft patients because they to me are “hate speech” or their presence offends me? Today no one has to give a reason, do they? Just scream, shout and call them racist right? What stops us from doing the same? The conservative voice has shifted news media to social platforms. News are coming straight from the horse’s mouth #nofilter . We have the numbers, and masses. Is civil war what they want? This right now is indeed a civilized civil war, for now. It will become ugly when the LEFT realizes what they have done. VERY UGLY. Thank Goodness I don’t HAVE to be here. I HAVE options to leave and possibly move to another country that still sanctions freedom. My kids is what worries me. What will their life be after this PRELUDE? How do they ensure their spot in the non-sewer population to avoid being dropped in a faction?

Tin foil hat? No — it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true. To all the #AltLeft reading this. Sit down and think about it. Remember with 9/11 how people just decided it’s ok to maintain a database of everyone’s DNA just to be safe. How does it feel that everytime you give a blood sample, are arrested, or tested for anything your DNA is shared. That information is also shared as per the ACA to any insurance company including and not limited to Healthcare, Auto, life and even employers. It’s not?

OhYes, it is… read your “Consent to treat” fine print. Ask for the full version. Your signature allows them to keep a database of your pictures, DNA, samples and share your info. Yes… this was all done by the adults that were voting in 9/11. They allowed that to happen. Have you read Obamacare yet? Look for the part that says that wearable or implantable devices should be used for all citizens that have or will receive ANY government assistance such as Medicaid, Foodstamps and Medicare. So tagging the animals now are they? All this — all this freedom was dismissed in the name of safety because of the fear from 9/11…. now you are willing to give the only real power each of us still have and that is the foundation of our CONSTITUTION that is why it is the FIRST of all AMENDMENTS.

Check Yo’Self #altleft

