Tore (Τερψη) Maras
8 min readNov 7, 2017

It was July 2015 when my President made it official- He was running for President. I know my first sentence throws me into the “deplorable basket” or “Trumpsters” or “Alt Right”. If that puts you off, feel free to stop reading. I am very proud Donald J Trump is OUR President .

In the beginning when our President was up against 17 contenders as nominees for the GOP people laughed at me, questioned my views and said “He will never win”. Their opinions were shaped, coddled and swayed by the MSM outlets. I didn’t care. I had seen from a very young age how the MSM lies when the news reported in the US about Bill Clinton and his world tour were NOT true or even factual since I was globe trotting at the time his first term was ending coming up for re-election and knew exactly how his trip went. Not so good.

I know who Donald J. Trump is as a person when I ran into him as a child, again as an young adult where I literally shared a coffee with him — he literally just sat down next to me randomly in NYC in his building where i was having coffee — so I wasn’t phased. I knew that man was exactly what my America needed. A man that listens to people, not people with a title or multiple zeros attached to their bank account. A man that listens to people like you and me. Listens to those working families and young adults who are working to pay their student loans off, who have children that require braces and new shoes every month, who are laid off and have no one to turn to, to the over 65 population that are trapped with Medicare carry contracts forcing them to change doctors, forcing them to get their medications from their insurance companies by mail to save $1 . That is who our President is — a man of the people because unlike the slogan used my his democratic opponent #IMWITHHER which infers to follow, he said #IMWITHYOU and that indeed is a huge difference- He walks with US.

Last year today, Franklin Graham had asked people from around the globe to get together and pray for our President. I firmly believe that he was elected because people prayed. I don’t care if you think prayers don’t work. BUT THEY DID. He won. He, like I and many more out there knew that this was a war. Legit war which was between good and evil. This was a war to maintain our country’s sovereignty. A war to avoid the North American Union plan and be an independent country something many European nations wish they had fought for but couldn’t because their information was controlled, like we have come to realize that the MSM here in the US prescribes to- #propaganda. Those nations back in the early 00’s didn’t have access to information we have today. It’s 2017 and my favorite saying is “ignorance is a choice in the age of information”.

A year later what is going on with the #MAGA movement?

In one year our President has reduced unemployment to record lows, made our 401Ks fat with the confidence the markets are showing due to his leadership, illegal border crossing has dropped by over 50%, he’s increasing our national security and defense, has reduced our national debt, has created millions of jobs — and all this with limited cooperation from the opposition party. They delayed EVERYTHING- From cabinet appointments , legislation — you name it they’ve resisted? He has done all that with his hands tied. Imagine if they cooperated.

What are they resisting? They all knew, just as we all NOW know almost one year after our President’s inauguration, that the DNC rigged the election on all fronts — and still lost. Are they pouting at the expense of our country? Or are they mitigating the inevitable prosecution that is to come as Hillary Clinton stated “If he wins-we all hang”.

Regardless of what their reasoning is to act like children — they are in fact #resisting American Growth , American Prosperity in full disregard of what 65 Million voters want.

The #MAGA movement is strong but I think people in general are missing the point.

The Make America Great Again movement isn’t just our President’s duty - It’s everyones. Every single American is responsible for doing their part in the #MAGA movement. How?

In order for our country to succeed we must realize that the foundations of this country is people like you and me. #WETHEPEOPLE

We are responsible for helping our President #MAGA. Every person, small business, big business, military, police etc. HAVE to do their part. All of you have to focus on Making Your Home Great Again, Making Your Neighborhood Great Again, Making your City Great Again, Making your State Great Again which will in itself add to the collective Make America Great Again. I like many don’t have a bottomless bank account — but to rebuild one’s community is not only about money. Feel-Good currency is required. You must fall in love with your home, your neighborhood, your city, and your state in order to fall in love with your country again. It is important to note that NONE of us in the United States have ANYTHING in common besides a flag and an anthem. Our country is amazing! We are able to say Happy Hanukah or Merry Christmas or Happy Kwanza or Happy Eid without feeling persecuted. We all come from somewhere — I am a first generation Greek. You are probably a 4th generation Frank or second generation Nigerian. We don’t have a lengthy history to bond us. We only have one flag and one anthem — with one purpose To Make our Country Great! In a melting pot country the only thing we have going for us is ensuring that we have an America that is Great . That was the whole reason of it’s establishment — to have a prosperous capatalist country. We are not a socialist or communist nation?

Our President has begun the top down task to #MAGA but are you doing your part from the bottom up? We must meet him in the middle.

Personally, everyday I find something to do my part in #MAGA. I get off my couch when I see the old man across the street struggling with his groceries. I advocate for Limited English Speakers (that includes ASL). I greet my supermarket clerk or shopping attendant with a smile and tell them how thankful I am that they are providing me services. I thank every single service member including our police and fire department. I give my five dollars to the man on the corner rather than buy that coffee I so desperately need at 0600. I swipe my card for the lady with 5 kids who’s food stamps couldn’t cover her whole grocery bill and decided her children don’t need to feel deprived when I can get my treats another day. I open my doors to the homeless man on the street when it is -20F (#truestory my husband was not happy). I speak to the meth/heroin addict that needs a shoulder to cry on and struggles with addiction . I help my over 65 community members with their struggles with as per their HMOs that the Affordable Care Act has devastated them with. I do my little part. That is easy — we can control that. We can control what WE do when we are excited about making our community and nation great.

Though, it isn’t easy at times when reaching out to create a collective movement. People you would expect to be just excitecd as you are — aren’t and those you least expect are! In my experience, when putting together things like meetings, or events or just reaching out for help with bigger issues in my community I find that our small and large business don’t. Even our elected officials are reluctant to even try to make a change for the better cause with claims such as

“That’s not how things work”

Well it should be.

These businesses, elected officials and organizations are the first to pride themselves on contributing to the community when they are seeking re-election or new business — when it’s visible they want in. When no one sees it they don’t care. Believe it or not the ones that rely on their community for re-election and contribute to their businesses or campaigns don’t want to do the little things that actually count.

Maybe I was living in a bubble. I thought as a business owner you would want to be a driving force of making your community happy or better yet, cash in on Feel-Good currency. While there are many people out their like myself who contribute as much and much more — there are also those that don’t. People that can actually make a difference — choose not too because they don’t see the point if they aren’t recognized for it — or even if they are they don’t care. This sounds really grim but reality is reality and this must change. Our local and national businesses need to be listening more, contributing more and understanding that sooner or later the pessimistic — capitalization without a cause will catch up to them. They will be called out just as many global brands have already. If you are part of the community small or large it is YOUR responsibility to ensure your community is appreciated, happy and feels that you are contributing to your community’s happiness and prosperity. If you don’t — you are the chief of your demise because the #MAGA movement sweeping through our nation will distinguish and applaud those who do and you will be liquidating faster than you can blink. Ask the NFL how it’s working out for them?

Businesses BIG or SMALL must listen to their communities. They must take a position in putting their communities first. You can’t ride a crest of the #MAGA movement without the boogie board which is your contribution.

As this year concludes, we see the #MAGA movement as per individuals has grown and become a force to be reckoned with . I think in YEAR TWO — we must focus on our small businesses and larger ones to contribute to the movement too. They need to start contributing to their communities by appreciating their community members and in turn growing the economy.

Here’s how I see it: There was a bagel shop in NYC that I used to frequent all the time — big name — but one day I couldn’t get my bagel there it was late past 1800 so- I went to another one. That other one was closing down late. As I entered I saw that their left over bagels were being given for free to a shelter down the street. Needless to say that store earned my business forever, because they were aiding in the #MAGA movement without asking to be recognized for it and to my surprise had been doing it for years! How many big chain supermarkets do you know THROW AWAY their sell by date food? The majority. They would rather throw them out than provide it to those less fortunate. They should not be rewarded with our dollars.

Businesses need to understand that contributing unconditionally to their local communities simply because they want their local community to succeed and to prosper will be preferred by their community.

Let’s make year TWO focus on applauding small businesses and big business that contribute to their communities. Let’s all remember that #MAGA isn’t just top down, it’s bottom up too! Let’s showcase the businesses that employ American, contribute to Americans, make their goods in America and most of all want to Make America Great Again!

