Embracing Eclipse Energy: How to Initiate Positive Change in Your Life

Dr. Margo Maine
3 min readApr 5, 2024

Monday, April 8, 2024, is no ordinary Monday. In North America, many of us can witness a total solar eclipse. I always say, “Hair Tells a Story,” but today, the story is about this natural and nearly indescribable phenomenon.

Understanding Solar Eclipses

These rare solar events happen only when the sun, the Earth, and the moon are aligned, and the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, temporarily blocking part or all of the sun’s light. The world becomes dark, although it will still be daytime. Temperatures may drop quickly.

Animal Reactions

Your pets may sense these atmospheric changes and be frightened, so be sure your farm animals or domestic pets are well cared for and comforted if aroused or agitated.

The Ring of Fire

The sun’s light still radiates beyond the total eclipse, earning total solar eclipses the nickname ‘ring of fire.’ Visually, it will be a beautiful phenomenon but potentially disorganizing for many of us.

Emotional Impact

Like other animals, you may feel unsettled and anxious. You’re likely to feel awed by the experience, as it is unique and creates the potential for reflection, renewal, and release.

Cultural Significance

Across different cultures and time, people have viewed solar eclipses as omens of change, rebirth, and transformation.

A Moment of Reset

As the sun is covered and the world is suddenly dark, we can experience a momentary pause or reset, allowing us many new possibilities and growth.

Initiating Change

The cycle of an eclipse is like the final release and cleansing of an emotional cycle. If something needs to be gone from your life or come to an end, an eclipse can help you initiate that, whether it’s an internal personal change or a more systemic, or external change.

New Beginnings

We could see the momentary darkening of the sky as the end of the completion of old patterns paving the way for new and exciting opportunities. We could frame the eclipse as a time to set new goals and new intentions and let our energy flow more freely by releasing old patterns and mental sets.

Ancient Wisdom

In Ancient cultures, an eclipse signified a portal for greater awareness, insight, and understanding of our cosmic connections. These were opportunities for spiritual renewal, heightened intuition, and protection from negative energy.

Nurturing Relationships

We could also see the solar eclipse as a call to nurture our relationships with our inner and outer worlds, an opportunity to explore divine unity with all that is, a glimpse into our true essence and deeper truths, and a time to recognize the interconnectedness of life.

Opening Hearts

Let’s welcome this solar eclipse as an invitation to open our hearts, expand our awareness, and move forward in our lives. Let’s envision this as a time to find balance and create equilibrium between light and darkness and between male and female energies, as well as an opportunity to deepen our connection to the universe while grounding us back in the here and now.

Shadow’s Reach

Technically, the shadow created by an eclipse spans thousands of miles wide and travels at more than 1000 miles per hour. Yet the potential it creates in our lives and our souls is immeasurable.

Reflecting on the Eclipse

What meaning and space do you want to give this in your life right now?

Hair and Cosmic Messages

I’m still determining how the solar eclipse story relates to the story of hair. Still, I will be tuning into this between now and Monday afternoon when we experience the eclipse here in New England. I will be open to all cosmic messages about my hair and other life issues. I hope you will be as well.

Hair Tells A Story: Hers, Yours, and Ours by Dr Margo Maine

Buy “Hair Tells a Story: Hers, Yours and Ours” by Margo Maine, Ph.D., FAED, CEDS, wherever books are sold, including Amazon and Bookshop.org.



Dr. Margo Maine

Eating disorders specialist, activist, and author most recently of Hair Tells a Story: Hers, Yours, & Ours.