How to Refuel and Boost Endorphins When Building Muscle for Weight Loss

Dr. Melchiore Buscemi
3 min readDec 23, 2022


Bodybuilding for weight reduction can be an excellent approach to gain muscle mass, but you need be aware of the potential negative effects and how to refuel throughout your exercises. There are various methods for increasing endorphins and fat burning.

Refueling during workouts
Refueling during exercises is an essential component of your training if you want to reach bodybuilding and weight reduction objectives. When you are improperly fuelled, you will have to use more effort to reach your goals, and you will also have a harder time recuperating.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to replenishment during exercise. First, it depends on the sort of activity being performed. Second, if you’re engaging in a difficult endurance event, you’ll need to feed more aggressively than if you were jogging or performing strength training. Similarly, if you are performing high-intensity interval training (HIIT), you will need to consume more carbs than if you were performing less intensive workouts.

To ensure enough recharging during exercise, make sure to consume a balanced snack including both protein and carbs. Additionally, water is needed. To maintain hydration, you must consume 16 to 20 ounces of liquids every 15 minutes.

Endorphin augments
Endorphins are a class of neurochemicals generated by the brain and pituitary gland that reduce pain and anxiety by acting as a natural dopant. They also serve as a stress-relieving mechanism, which helps reduce depressive symptoms.

Yoga, meditation, and physical activity are all effective strategies to release endorphins. Endorphins are the key to feeling better after an exercise, which is why a good workout may offer you a physical boost.

The most effective approach to gain the advantages of endorphins is to include them into your exercise program. This is especially true if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, as exercise will assist your body deal with daily pressures.

If you are seeking for a natural strategy to improve your endorphin levels, increasing your consumption of dark chocolate is one of your greatest possibilities. It is believed that flavonoids, a kind of antioxidant found in dark chocolate, have beneficial benefits on the brain. But don’t just consume dark chocolate; choose goods with at least 70% cacao.

Boosts muscular mass
To grow muscle while reducing fat, you must consume more calories than you expend. You will also need to undertake certain workouts to ensure that you reach your objectives.

The most effective method is to consume more protein. According to research, a high-protein diet can accelerate muscle development. According to some authorities, a person should ingest around 1,4 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Utilizing a timer to remind you when it’s time to eat is one of the greatest methods to do this. The best technique is to stock your refrigerator with meals you enjoy. For instance, dried fruit and nuts are excellent options.

If you lack the time to cook, you can get a protein supplement. Just be cautious to avoid overdosing.

Diet must contain carbs
When preparing a diet for bodybuilding or weight loss, carbs should be included. Carbohydrates contribute significantly to muscular building. It is crucial to consume the appropriate carbohydrates for your body.

There are two primary types of carbohydrates. There are both complex and simple carbs. Simple carbohydrates are those that are readily absorbed and used by the body. However, they lack certain minerals contained in complex carbs. This can raise the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Complex carbs, on the other hand, are slower-burning and less prone to be converted into fat. They are high in fiber as well. Additionally, they assist in stabilizing blood sugar levels. Complex carbs may be found in whole grains, beans, and legumes, as well as in vegetables.



Dr. Melchiore Buscemi

Melchiore Buscemi MD was a highly experienced urologist with thirty-five years of practice prior to his retirement in January 2021.