Ancestors and Legacy

Dr. Mary Marshall, PhD
3 min readFeb 9, 2022


The Ancestors: Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Mother — from The M. Marshall Collection

What is an ancestor? The American Heritage College dic-tion-ar-y gives two definitions

an•ces•tor n. 1. A person from whom one is descended, esp. more remote than a grandparent; a forebear. 2. Law. The person from whom one inherits an estate.[1]

Both definitions accurately describe my great grandmother, Mary Ella Williams. She is a generation beyond my grandmother and left a vast estate for her descendants.

from The M. Marshall Collection (Original image left. Free Photo Restoration and Repair Group/FB on Right)

One part of the estate was the home she and her husband purchased in 1900.

The Ancestor Home — from The M. Marshall Collection

In addition to this home, there were four other rental homes that contributed to family income. Her children — the descendants — inherited those properties, photos, furniture, letters, postcards, letters, postcards, and much more.

My great grandmother meticulously documented the family’s life. She communicated with them wherever they were. If they took too long in responding, she used the fastest method available — a telegram.

from The M. Marshall Collection

This documentation included friends and family members who lived in other cities and states. Between 1900 and 1936, she did what Charles L. Blockson recommended in his book, Black Genealogy.

“Never, never, never trust your memory with ‘word of mouth’ information! Write it down immediate and date it.” [2]

My great grandmother did that and more. She taught her children to do as she did. They passed these directions to me. When her mother transitioned, they recorded the death in the family Bible, and saved the newspaper announcement.

The Augusta Chronicle, Augusta, GA, 1936 — from The M. Marshall Collection

I believe my great grandmother designated me at my birth as the one to continue the tradition of documenting the legacy. According to my mother

Your great grandmother came to me in a dream saying I should return to Georgia to have my baby. I did that; and your grandmother, a midwife, delivered you.

Your great grandmother’s portrait hung over the bed. She was very present in the room.

Together, these three women guided me over the years as I continue their legacy of recording family history. I am the family historian.

from Pinterest

Mary Ella Williams taught her daughters well. They, in turn, passed on the legacy and the estate to their children. Each succeeding generation learned the importance of documenting our history. I am GRATEFUL for their intention and love of family. I know they are present with me every moment of my life.

from The Williams Family, 1907 — The M. Marshall Collection


Copyright 2022 — All Rights Reserved

[1]The American Heritage College

[2] Blockson, Charles L. Black Genealogy.

Marshall, Mary. The M. Marshall Collection

The Augusta Chronicle, Augusta, GA.




Dr. Mary Marshall, PhD

I’m a historian focusing on African Americans/Women. I’m also an archivist, researcher, writer and amateur photographer.