The Surprising Health Consequences of Finding Your Purpose

Partha Nandi
3 min readAug 10, 2017


Ikigai is a Japanese word meaning a reason for being. Simply put, ikigai is your purpose. It’s what gets you up in the morning.

What is your purpose in life? For many of us, our purpose revolves around our family and loved ones. For others, there’s passion for our career, or reaching a goal such as running a marathon.

I want to challenge you to find more ikigai, or purpose, in your life.

Why? Would it surprise you to learn that when you have a sense of meaning and purpose, your risk of heart disease also decreases?

Or consider the following two studies that further demonstrate the health effects of purpose:

  1. People with a low sense of purpose were more likely to have a stroke, heart attack, or coronary artery disease requiring a stent or bypass surgery.
    Reference: Cohen and colleagues, Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of Biobehavioral Medicine
  2. With a higher sense of purpose, people lived significantly longer and had 52 percent less chance of being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
    Reference: 2014 Lancet study and the Rush Memory and Aging Project

Let me repeat. Research suggests that you could cut your risk of getting Alzheimer’s in half through living a life with purpose. Isn’t that exciting?

But did you ever notice that when you visit most doctors, they don’t ask about purpose? The vast majority of doctors don’t think to understand your goals, passions, and hobbies even though it affects your likelihood of major health problems.

If you already know your purpose, that’s fantastic. Continue to push forward and take on new challenges. It’s what helps you grow.

But, if you’re feeling that something is missing and you need more purpose in your life, I urge you to ask yourself the following questions:

What fulfills me?

Are you having trouble answering this question? That’s okay. Start a list of the things you enjoy and those you don’t. As simple as this sounds, it’s effective. You’ll start to see trends. Consider how you feel in the moment. What activities drain you versus filling you with energy and joy?

What can I do to add purpose to my life today?

Ever started an extreme diet or exercise plan where you tried to summon all your willpower only to have it fizzle out after a few days? Me too. I’ve been there, done that, and I know it doesn’t work.

We make massive change in our lives when we start small. Pick one thing you want to improve. Maybe it’s spending more time with your kids, or learning how to play guitar.

Ask yourself, “What can I do to add purpose to my life today?” when you get up in the morning. Commit to just one small activity each day. Even five to ten minutes a day will start to become a habit over time.

Once a week, make notes on what you have done to make your goals a reality. What can you do next week to stay on track?

Changing your life or working toward a goal doesn’t have to upend your life. You can fit meaningful change into your life by doing little things each day.

Purpose is just one of the five steps described in my book, Ask Dr. Nandi: 5 Steps To Becoming Your Own #HealthHero For Longevity, Well-Being, and a Joyful Life.

In the book, you’ll discover how I found purpose with my family, and how many of my patients added purpose to their lives. You’ll find exercises and questions to help find your unique purpose. Click here to learn more.

Discover your ikigai. Live with purpose and passion. If not now, when?




Partha Nandi

Dr. Nandi is an internist and gastroenterologist. His TV show “Ask Dr. Nandi” reaches people in the US and over 90 countries. @AskDrNandi