Seeing Clearly: Meet Dr. Neha Midha, Your Trusted Glaucoma Specialist and Pediatric Ophthalmologist in Rohini

Dr. Neha Midha
3 min readMay 21, 2024

Are you looking for comprehensive eye care? Look no further than Dr. Neha Midha, your dedicated glaucoma specialist in Rohini and pediatric ophthalmologist in Rohini. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for preserving vision, Dr. Neha Midha stands as a beacon of hope for those facing eye-related challenges, particularly in the realms of glaucoma and pediatric eye care.

About Glaucoma

Glaucoma, often referred to as the “silent thief of sight,” is a progressive eye condition that damages the optic nerve, typically due to increased pressure within the eye. Without early detection and proper management, glaucoma can lead to irreversible vision loss. As a seasoned glaucoma specialist, Dr. Neha Midha brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. Through advanced diagnostic techniques and personalized treatment plans, she strives to preserve her patients’ vision and enhance their quality of life.

Pediatric Ophthalmology Expertise

When it comes to pediatric eye care, Dr. Neha Midha is a trusted ally for parents seeking compassionate and effective Pediatric ophthalmologist in Rohini. From routine eye exams to complex surgical interventions, Dr. Midha goes above and beyond to ensure the visual health and well-being of her young patients. With a gentle demeanor and a child-friendly approach, she creates a supportive environment where children feel comfortable and at ease.

Why Choose Dr. Neha Midha?

  1. Expertise: With specialized training in both glaucoma management and pediatric ophthalmology, Dr. Midha offers comprehensive care for patients of all ages.
  2. Compassion: Dr. Midha understands the importance of empathy and compassion in healthcare. She takes the time to listen to her patients’ concerns and tailor her approach to meet their individual needs.
  3. State-of-the-Art Facilities: At Dr. Neha Midha’s clinic in Rohini, patients can expect cutting-edge technology and modern amenities to ensure a seamless and comfortable experience.
  4. Patient Education: Dr. Midha believes in empowering her patients through education. She takes the time to explain diagnoses, treatment options, and preventive measures in clear and simple terms.
  5. Continued Support: Beyond diagnosis and treatment, Dr. Midha is committed to building long-term relationships with her patients. She provides ongoing support and guidance to help them maintain optimal eye health for years to come.

Whether you’re struggling with glaucoma or seeking pediatric eye care for your little ones, Dr. Neha Midha is here to help. With her expertise, compassion, and dedication to excellence, she strives to make a positive difference in the lives of her patients each and every day. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Midha today and take the first step toward clearer, healthier vision.



Dr. Neha Midha

Dr. Neha Midha is the Best Ophthalmologist in Rohini. Have years of experience treating a wide range of eye conditions and using the latest technologies.