What are Fouad apps?

2 min readJul 9, 2023

Fouad apps are a series of applications developed by Fouad Mokdad, an independent developer who focuses on bringing new features and unlocking more functions in social apps such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and even Snapchat.

Fouad Mokdad has gained recognition in the developer community for his innovative contributions in the field of social apps. He has become known for creating custom mods (modifications) of these popular apps, adding extra features and functionalities that are not present in the official versions.

Fouad WhatsApp

One of the most famous apps developed by Fouad Mokdad is Fouad WhatsApp, also known as FMWhatsApp. It is a modified version of the original WhatsApp that offers users a wide range of customized features such as custom themes, advanced privacy options, UI customization features, and much more. Users can personalize their WhatsApp experience according to their individual preferences.

Fouad SnapChat

Fouad Snapchat is a modified version of the popular Snapchat app, developed by Fouad Mokdad. It offers additional features and functionalities beyond the official version, enhancing the user experience and providing more customization options. With Fouad Snapchat, users can enjoy an enhanced and personalized Snapchat experience.


In conclusion, it is important to note that there are various other Fouad apps available, but users should exercise caution. Due to the popularity of “Fouad” apps, not all of them are developed by Fouad Mokdad. Some may contain malicious files or pose a threat to personal data security. It is essential to download these apps only from trusted sources and verify their authenticity before installing them, ensuring a safe and risk-free experience.

Source: droidlocal.com




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