Breakup Letter to NodeJs

Dron Rathore
3 min readSep 7, 2014


Me: I need a break!
NodeJs: But look we can sort out this
Me: I know we can’t
NodeJs: But…But.. I can let you code anything too fast!
Me: You know what, I hate when I have to tell you everything repeatedly, why can’t you just f**kn clean the memory!
NodeJs: I don’t know
Me: See! Thats your problem, you don’t even know when to clear the memory, you ate it like a lobster!
NodeJs: You can’t say that, I clean it, too often!
Me: Oh please, don’t give me that drama, freezing my whole app and then cleaning a section of heap, is that you mean cleaning? You are no less than Ruby!
NodeJs: But you see, if I try cleaning a bigger part, you will be hanged up like hell!
Me: Exactly, that’s you real mess! Did you ever knew how many objects I ever created and the one you need to clean?
NodeJs: That’s not my problem, you shouldn’t write that much of anonymous functions and create Objects like hell! :-/
Me: Hahaha :D You mean I stop using the thing for which I use to love you?

Me: You know I wrote a whole caching system in you and you just gave shit to reading sockets and you want me to have a package installed for it, I mean seriously to fix anything I need a package?!
NodeJs: So what? Sockets are raw shitty files, I can just give you data, I don’t always care about OOB packets!
Me: See, that’s your problem, you don’t care! Simple answer to all of my big hefty problem! You know what, you got no respect for my feelings and emotions! I trust you like anything and in the end your answers are like “I don’t know”, “I don’t care”!
NodeJs: See, if you keep telling me the same thing, I got no answers! :-/
Me: You never had, not in past, neither today, nor ever! What are you scared for? That I will leave you if you clearly come out of what I should not expect from you instead of throwing me in dreams of fast processing and enough shit!
NodeJs: You guys should be mature enough to understand things! :-/
Me: Lol! As expected answer! Throw everything on innocent people! First blind them with fake words and dreams, and then slowly start putting nothing in the relation!
Me: You know what, you have putted almost nothing in our relation, your Cluster API is another myth! I don’t know when will you start understanding me! ☹
NodeJs: I don’t know!

Me: Hmm.. Running your server on production is another shit, keeping a track on your heap size and then restarting the server, killing clusters one by one! No one makes me do this! I trust you for I don’t know what that’s why I advice people to keep going! Sometime you just leak memory like an orphan monster, I can’t even get to the bottom of the problem!
NodeJs: But..for this you mean, you are gonna leave me forever??
Me: I am not saying I am gonna leave you for forever, you will remain my beloved☺ But, you will not see me now doing my adventure projects on you, seriously not!
NodeJs: Hmm.. But just to clear up things, when you will be back, don’t expect anything from me.
Me: What?? You mean you will always be this stubborn?? You are never gonna put anything in our relation to make it better??
NodeJs: I don’t know!
Me: Jesus! Again the same answer, you know what.. this conversation doesn’t make sense, just… leave.. Bbyes!
NodeJs: Where are you heading?
Me: I Don’t know! :-/




Dron Rathore

A poet, a programmer, Software Engineer @ Uber, a learner