9 Signs You’re Super Healthy!

Ronita De, Ph.D
3 min readMay 6, 2024


Only 1 in 100 can pass this test. Are you one of the rare few who can boast about being superhealthy?

Photo by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash

In a world where health and well-being are constantly in the spotlight, it’s important to be able to distinguish the truly healthy from the rest. If you’ve ever wondered whether you belong to the elite 1% of superhealthy individuals, this blog post is for you.

1. You Have an Athlete’s Heart
Having an athlete’s heart is not just about being physically fit; it’s about having a heart that functions at its peak, efficiently pumping blood to every part of your body. If you find that your heart can endure rigorous physical activity without skipping a beat, you might just have an athlete’s heart.

2. You Have Extremely High HDL Cholesterol
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, often referred to as “good” cholesterol, plays a crucial role in maintaining heart health. If your HDL cholesterol levels are significantly higher than average, congratulations — you could be one step closer to being super healthy.

3. You Can Walk 2 Miles in 28 Minutes
Walking is often underestimated as a form of exercise, but the ability to cover a distance of 2 miles in just 28 minutes is no small feat. If you find that you can effortlessly achieve this, your cardiovascular health could be in an excellent state.

4. You Have Balanced Strength
More than just having visible muscles or being able to lift heavy weights, balanced strength means that all muscle groups in your body are equally strong. This indicates overall physical fitness and can be a sign of superhealth.

5. You Can Answer Yes to Two Questions
Being superhealthy isn’t just about physical fitness; it’s also about mental and emotional well-being. If you genuinely look forward to going to work and returning home in the evening, it signifies a healthy work-life balance and a positive mindset.

6. You Can Take a Hill: Bruce Protocol
The Bruce Protocol is a cardiovascular stress test that evaluates how well your heart handles an increased workload. If you can breeze through this test, you could have exceptional cardiovascular endurance.

7. You Have at Least 2 Close Friends
Having a strong support system and meaningful social connections is crucial for overall well-being. If you have at least two close friends whom you can rely on, it’s a good indicator of your emotional health.

8. Your Left is a Mirror of Your Right
Symmetry in the body is often associated with good health. If your left side is a mirror image of your right, it suggests that you have a well-balanced physique, which is a characteristic of superhealth.

9. You Can Thread a Needle on the First Try
Fine motor skills are often taken for granted, but they are a good indicator of hand-eye coordination and overall dexterity. Being able to thread a needle on the first try showcases a high level of precision and control.

Take Home Message

So, how did you fare on this test of superhealth? If you resonated with most of these signs, congratulations — you might just be one of the rare few who can claim to be superhealthy. Keep up the good work, and remember that superhealth encompasses not just physical fitness, but mental and emotional well-being as well. Here’s to being part of the elite 1% of super-healthy individuals!

Thanks for reading!



Ronita De, Ph.D

Research scientist by profession and wellness coach. Curing everyday ailments the natural way backed by science.