How is Vehicle Registration Important?

Droom History
2 min readNov 17, 2018


When a particular car is launched in the market, there are more than 100 models that are sold simultaneously. These models not only have the same features but are also identical in appearance. So if you were standing in a parking lot where there are 10 other cars that look similar to the one you own, how would you identify it? For people who have systems like remote lock and find me lights, this might be easy, for those who don’t it’s not that hard either. You can just look at number plates to identify your car among others.

The above example is but one explanation of why Vehicle Registration is important; there are other reasons as well that make it an important aspect of owning a vehicle.

1.Entitles you as the Owner: The main purpose of registration is to entitle the vehicle to your ownership. Without a registration certificate in your possession, you will not be deemed as the owner. When you are given a registration certificate, it signifies that you have paid the necessary purchase amount with taxes and are now free to drive on the roads. Furthermore, if you are buying a used vehicle, you need to get the ownership of the vehicle transferred on your name. For which you have to go through the entire registration process again.

2.It is Mandatory: Not only in India but many other countries around the world have made vehicle registration mandatory. According to the Motor Act 1998, every vehicle that runs on the road should have a registration, certificate. If the person driving the vehicle fails to produce the certificate or its copy when demanded, the authorities have the right to confiscate the vehicle.

3.It can be used Verify the Age of a Vehicle: When buying a used vehicle, age is the most important factor which has to be considered. While selling a vehicle, there are people who claim that it is not too old and thus overvalue the price. To avoid getting cheated this way you can check the Car Registration certificate for the right age of the vehicle. You can also check the history of the vehicle at

Registration is a simple process and can take couple of weeks to complete. Most of the time, car dealers and resellers complete the procedure for you and include the charges in the purchase price. Since, there is no other way you can drive a vehicle in India without registering it, a registration certificate is very important.



Droom History

Vehicle History is a tool which provides all history for vehicles like car, bike and scooters. It’s helpful for buyers.