Dex Platform 2.0

4 min readMay 8, 2018


We are excited to announce the official release of Dex Platform 2.0. The Dex page will be offline for approximately four hours starting at 10PM Thursday, May 10th for maintenance, and the subsequent rollout of the new Dex platform update.

During this time only access to will be affected, all Dex operations will continue un-interrupted including trading and end of cycle payouts. The new platform will include a complete UI makeover, new features, security improvements, bug fixes, and more. The new Dex platform will enhance the user customer experience and effective portfolio management.

UI Interface

In an effort to make every part of the system that customers interact with more intuitive, functional, and attractive we are pleased to release our updated UI ahead of schedule. We are streamlining parts of the UI to hi-light the most important areas: Dex, Arthur, Transactions and Tickets. The entire system will now display more in depth information about Dex, Arthur and Drop transactions. Each page has been optimized and redesigned for increased utility and intuitive movement including the settings and Dropil transaction pages migrated to modal windows thus reducing clicks needed to navigate.

Dex Features

This update is far more than just aesthetic; Dex functionally has been improved as well. Account management options have been added. Here are just some of the new features that we added:

Want to only re-contribute a portion and take out the rest? Now you can
  • Split returns. You can now dedicate percentages of Dex realized returns to separate location, such as auto re-contribute 50% and send 50% to your user or external wallet. You can also now reinvest to your Dropil portal instead of just external address.
You can now add to Dex whenever you want.
  • Intra-cycle Drop modification: You can send more Drops to Dex in the middle of your cycle, your deposit will be automatically applied to your next cycle. You can also cancel this request later.
Qued up changes will show up at the top of your settings with ability to cancel
  • Modify your current Dex settings: You can now change your risk mode and payout options in the middle of your cycle. Just like adding more Drops, your changes will take effect at the beginning of the next cycle
Automatic calculation of changes to unrealized returns if you cancel prior to end of cycle
  • Cancel only a portion of your Dex cycle: Until now you had to cancel the entire Dex investment if you wanted to withdraw prior to the maturity of your 15-day cycle. You now have the option to only take out a portion; you will forfeit a proportional amount of the unrealized return.
Trading performance at your finger tips
  • Improved analytics and reporting: Enhanced analytics include more to the second cycle clock and other Dex related statistics.

Security Improvements

Dropil will always hold security at the forefront of all our projects and is an area we constantly strive to make more robust for our users. The new release features enhanced 2FA options on specific Dex actions, such as cancelling your cycle and withdrawals. These options and others can be found in the new settings section.

Have an option to add 2FA verification to almost any operation

Ticketing done right:

We listened to the feedback from our users regarding the Support Ticket system and we are delivering with a full overhaul. A new and improved system is more akin to the intuitiveness of a messaging platform. Additionally we have added better flow and image attachment options to the system.

Enjoy a stronger support experience

Personal Dex Assistant

One of the new features we are most excited about is the beta release of the personal Dex assistant bot. This assistant bot will be able to link to your Telegram and perform a wide variety of operations, such as answer questions or send you alerts. You can ask the Dex assistant what your balance is, for a variety of analytics, future projections and calculations. This is just the start for Dex assistant though, it is a smart bot that will learn and develop more capabilities as you use it more, also other platforms will be added in future outside of Telegram for receiving notifications.

Get details from the Dex System right from your telegram.

Ton of Bug Fixes

All reported bugs from the prior Dex platform have been addressed in this new release. Dex is now prettier, versatile, and more stable than ever!

More to come

More detailed information about the Dex 2.0 platform will be announced following the wider release. This update does not include any of the upcoming Arthur updates.

