What Makes a Good Dentist?

Docklands Dental Studio
4 min readApr 6, 2017


Even among licensed dentists, there is quite a range out there when it comes to quality. This is true of all professions, of course, but as a patient you have the wonderful privilege of being able to choose your dental provider. So how can you tell the difference between a so-so dentist and a great one? Simply put, a good dentist will have (1) a commitment to patients’ well-being, and (2) enthusiasm for good oral care. Once you know what to look for, you’ll see evidence of these qualities in every corner of the office!

Contact Docklands Dental Studio at (03) 9021 9487 to learn more about great dentistry. Our dental practice is only a 30 minute commute from North Melbourne or West Melbourne. Take a bus or tram into the city, then hop on Tram Number 11 or 48 from Collins Street towards Docklands; get off at Collins Landing (Stop D17) and we’re just a short walk away!

dental office

Time and Attention

We know many patients like to get their dental appointments over with quickly, but dentistry is one area where rushed jobs can do grievous harm to patients. If your dentist does not schedule ample time for each appointment, there’s no way you’ll get enough attention to adequately prevent, identify, or diagnose dangerous conditions. You only see the dentist twice a year, so it’s important for him or her to learn about the changes in your life and overall health. This simply cannot happen if you’re only getting a few minutes of face time with your dentist.

Ask your dentist how much time they allot for individual appointments. At Docklands Dental Studio, our default time slot for each patients is a minimum of 40 minutes. We make sure to take the time to learn about your life, to better prevent oral health crises from developing.

Patient Safety and Hygiene

A dentist’s commitment to hygiene and safety can be found in numerous places. Certainly, you want to see that dental instruments are sterilized and that the office is clean, but you also want to look for evidence of stringent security against infection. Do staff wear facemasks and gloves? Are covers used on equipment that will go into a patient’s mouth? If the answers to these questions aren’t obvious, take the time to ask!

Another important aspect of patient safety is reducing exposure to radiation in diagnostic equipment. If your dentist is still using the x-ray machines you remember from decades ago, they are missing out on the benefits of OPG/digital radiography, which reduces patient exposure to potentially harmful radiation.

A Passion for Oral Health

A silent dental appointment is a missed opportunity. A good dentist will be an overflowing fountain of helpful tips and communication with patients on the state of their teeth and gums. At Docklands Dental Studio, we view our patients as partners in oral health, and we approach every potential problem as an opportunity to spread awareness of the finer points of whole-mouth care.

We are also passionate about everyone having access to the care they need. Every person should have the opportunity for high-quality dental treatments and a chance to keep their teeth healthy, regardless of their situation. For these reasons, we offer DentiCare payment plans to help patients who may not be able to cover all fees at the time of service.

Patient Satisfaction

A good dentist will make sure all patients walk away from their treatments satisfied and pleased with their experiences. In today’s world of social networking and connectedness, every patient has the chance to share his or her experiences — so take advantage of this as you scout out potential providers. Yelp, Facebook, and Google offer different venues for patient reviews, so get online and see what prior patients have had to say.

Continuing Education and Training

Any dentist may do the minimum education and training to get a certificate on his wall, so how can you tell that your dentist is passionate about staying abreast of innovations and advances in the dental field? Ask, of course!

Advances in technology and treatment abound in dentistry, so ask your dentist how he/she stays informed of ways to improve patient care. What technology have they integrated into their practice? At Docklands Dental Studio, we were one of the first dental offices in the area to offer digial panoramic x-rays, to better diagnose and treat patients with minimal exposure to radiation. We have also adopted a number of advances in cosmetic dentistry to help you look your best, such as one-hour Zoom! Whitening.

Looking for a Mebourne dentist?

If you’re in the Melbourne area and looking for a great dental practice, check out our doctors at Docklands Dental Studio. we take our commitment to patients very seriously, and have a passion for healthy and beautiful smiles. If you live in South Melbourne, we are only 5–10 minutes away by car or taxi. (Just take Montague Street towards the city and then Wurundjeri Way.)

Contact Docklands Dental Studio online or call us at (03) 9021 9487 to set up an appointment with one of our committed dentists.

Originally published at Docklands Dental Studio.



Docklands Dental Studio

Our mission is to make a positive difference in patients’ dental experience.