Three Steps to Designing Happiness

Dr Preetika Chandna
2 min readNov 28, 2023


“Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.”

Jim Rohn, author and motivational speaker

Everyone wants to be happy. I do, most of the time. But mere wanting is not enough. We want to unlock the secret code to happiness so that we can craft a monument of happiness each time we are feeling upset or sad. Here are three actionable steps you can take to design your happiness each day:

1. Self Awareness

· A key to happiness is identifying what makes us happy.

· Look inward, and check with yourself throughout the day to pinpoint moments where you feel contented, joyous, or even delighted. Those moments are your ingredients to create a happy dish to your taste.

· If you follow someone without introspection about your needs and wants, you risk getting stuck doing things that bring no joy to you at all!

2. Chase Happiness Actively

· Sometimes we approach happiness as something that will passively find its way into our lives.

· However, you need to actively chase happiness. How can you do that? By creating time and space in your life for the things that make you happy.

· If you like watching movies, take out time for it! If you like star gazing, join that astronomy club!

· Take happiness creation as seriously as you take other projects in your life.

3. Nurture Meaningful Relationships

· The people we spend our lives with make a difference to our happiness levels, so choose them carefully.

· Purposefully and mindfully nurture the relationships in your life that make you feel happy, loved, and supported.

· At the same time, move away from relationships that drain you and suck out your enthusiasm.

· Take time to create a life that has mostly people you enjoy being with, to keep happiness levels high.

In our lives, the threads of happiness are woven through intentional choices, mindful actions, and the connections we cultivate. We hold the brush, and with each stroke, we have the power to create a masterpiece of joy, uniquely our own. In each moment, you are the designer of your happiness.

To talk more about happiness and mental health,

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Dr Preetika Chandna

Dr. Preetika is a psychotherapist, counselor, freelance writer, and mother. She is passionate about living life with good mental health.