Thursday Tune-In with Preetika

Dr Preetika Chandna
2 min readApr 11, 2024


Hi everyone, I’ll be using my Thursdays to tune into all the books I’ve been reading and loving. I invite you to join me on my journey! Let’s go!

Today’s book: A Little Life

Author: Hanya Yanagihara

Genre: Fiction, Self-Harm, Abuse, Trauma

Book summary: A Little Life is a highly acclaimed novel by the American novelist Hanya Yanagihara. The book explores a moving tale of the friendship between four friends living in New York, and their trajectories as time passes. In the center of it all is Jude, a person with memories too traumatic to imagine, and as much as he tries to keep his pain away from his friends, love, and companionship find their way into his life. A Little Life is to be experienced, not just read, as the author slowly weaves a story of complex emotions as it unpacks childhood trauma, the meaning of friendship, true love, self-harm, the limits of suffering and endurance, childhood abuse, shame, and loneliness — layer by painstaking layer. Each character is beautifully etched, and the author does a wonderful job of juxtaposing pain and beauty, as in the title too.

What I Loved:

The sheer beauty of the writing and its capacity to make you feel human; Hanya’s book makes you pause often, sometimes in horror, sometimes in wonder, and at the moments just to reflect on the beauty of the words.

My Favorite Quotes:

“You can’t save people, you can only love them.”

“There is no shortcut for happiness. You have to earn it through the battles you fight and the pain you endure.”

“Sometimes the greatest act of bravery is simply continuing to live.”

“Your pain doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human.”

My Rating: Level 0 — Boring book to Level 5: Maximum maza

Ease of Reading: 3/5 (bulky paperbook format)

Maintains interest: 4/5

Violence and mature themes — 4/5

USP: A Little Life can make you feel, love, loneliness, connection, and beauty simultaneously.

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Dr Preetika Chandna

Dr. Preetika is a psychotherapist, counselor, freelance writer, and mother. She is passionate about living life with good mental health.