Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) and Procedure

Dr. Raghu
3 min readApr 24, 2023


Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement

The working of the aortic valve in a human’s body is rather essential. Any problem in the same could lead to surgery. Aortic valve stenosis is a condition where the aortic valve is unable to open due to fat deposition. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement, or TAVR, is a procedure where a thickened aortic valve is replaced. The TAVR restores the aortic valve to normal condition and ensures the blood flow to other body parts starts as before. Let us have a look at Transcatheter aortic valve replacement and its procedure.

When does the doctor recommend a TAVR

The TAVR, in principle, is the treatment for aortic valve stenosis. In this condition, the aortic valve thickens, and the blood flow is impacted. You will have to find a TAVR expert in Hyderabad to ensure that the problem is resolved. The conditions under which a TVR is recommended are:

  • Very severe aortic valve stenosis
  • A biological tissue or aortic valve which is not functioning properly
  • Any lung or kidney disease that makes it difficult to have open heart surgery

Procedure of TAVR

The process of TAVR is not difficult to understand. Here the faulty aortic valve is replaced with a valve made from cow or pig tissue. Often the new valve is placed in the faulty one. A reliable Heart Specialist in Hyderabad will help you understand how the procedure helps.

TAVR is conducted through small incisions and a thin tube called a catheter that is moved to the heart. The doctor inserts the catheter through the groin region. He then guides it toward the heart, and X-ray images help him do that.

The replacement valve is then put on the catheter and taken to the place of the aortic valve. There is a balloon on the catheter tip that inflates, and thus the valve is put into the correct place. Sometimes the valve moves into the correct place even without inflating the balloon.

Once the valve is put into place, the doctor removes the catheter. All during the procedure, the team keeps an eye on the blood pressure, heart rate, and other vitals.

Only a responsible TAVR expert in Hyderabad can conduct the procedure appropriately. After the procedure, the patient may have to spend the night in the ICU. Before discharge, the patient is explained about how to take care of incisions, signs, and symptoms that could mean trouble, etc. The patient is also prescribed medications like blood thinners and antibiotics.

Summing Up

The heart is a hardworking body part; hence any fault in its work can be challenging to handle. If you have aortic valve stenosis, you need a TAVR. Dr. Raghu is a trustworthy Heart Specialist in Hyderabad who has conducted many such cardiac procedures in his long career spanning 22 years. He will go through all the case history and suggest the best solution possible. If required, he will suggest all possible future treatments that would ensure your heart keeps working. His expert suggestions would help you recover sooner and have a well-established life.



Dr. Raghu

Hey I'm Dr. Raghu Cardiologist in Hyderabad India. I love to write Cardiology articles and about Heart Problems.