Can Vitamin C Help Get Rid of Dark Circles Under The Eyes?

5 min readOct 30, 2023


It’s difficult to deal with dark circles. The emergence of dark circles under the eyes with age can be aggravating. There are a few remedies available to assist one counteract the look of dark circles and other age-related skin concerns.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of utilizing vitamin C on the skin and whether it’s a suitable alternative for removing dark circles. To make this an informative post the information is taken from the insights shared by the renowned dermatologist, Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili. The skilled doctor is renowned for offering the best dark circles treatment in Hyderabad. One will also learn about the two major causes of dark circles and the role of vitamin C for skin as well.

What is Vitamin C?

Before we get into the benefits of taking vitamin C for your skin, it’s important to understand how it works and what it is.

Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, have a significant impact on the body’s overall health by targeting free radicals. By seeking and stealing electrons from other molecules, free radicals can degrade cells in the body. Excess free radical activity in the body can be produced by a variety of daily factors, including pollution, alcohol, tobacco, junk food, and others.

What are the Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin?

The increased free radical activity in the body has a bad impact on the skin. When the number of antioxidants in the body is insufficient to counteract the effects of free radicals on the cells, one will experience oxidative stress. Oxidative stress weakens the cells in the skin, limiting the generation of vital proteins. This means one will age faster and be more vulnerable to various sorts of injury.

  • Antioxidants such as vitamin C promote the structure and flexibility of the skin’s complexion. When one is under oxidative stress, the body does not manufacture enough proteins to keep the skin firm and flexible.
  • Vitamin C, is frequently the principal active component in skincare treatments such as brightening serums and vitamin C moisturizers.
  • These solutions assist one in dealing with skin concerns by supplying the skin with the antioxidants it needs to nourish, revive, and renew the skin. Vitamin C, in particular, provides several other important skin advantages.

Read More:- Understanding the Role of a Dermatologist

What are the Major Causes of Dark Circles?

  • Dark Circles from Sleep Deprivation

The dark circles under the eyes can emerge for a variety of causes. Sleep deprivation is one possible cause of dark circles beneath the eyes. Blood vessels in the area surrounding the eyes can become more noticeable if one doesn’t get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can harm the complexion by interfering with the natural mechanisms that keep the skin healthy.

Sleep deprivation can also create dark circles owing to a buildup of fluid in the area around the eyes. This can cause the skin around the eyes to become puffy and bloated, producing shadows that appear to be a darkening of the area beneath the eyelids.

Solution: If one feels that overall exhaustion and a lack of sleep are the root reasons of the dark circles beneath the eyes, the most important improvement one can make is to get more rest!

  • Dark Circles from Ageing

The skin’s synthesis of the proteins that maintain it healthy and robust declines as one age. This means one is more likely to notice the skin becoming thinner, as well as discolouration and wrinkles. As one ages, black circles beneath the eyes may emerge as a normal side effect of the skin becoming thinner and weaker.

Solution- Antioxidants, such as vitamin C, can make a significant difference in the appearance and feel of the skin when it comes to age-related dark circles and other symptoms of aging. Because of vitamin C’s capacity to revive and rejuvenate the skin, it can play an important role in leveling out the tone and lowering the visibility of pigment disorders such as dark circles under the eyes.

Role of Vitamin C for Dark Circles

Vitamin C benefits the skin by evening out the complexion and minimizing the appearance of dark patches and other pigmentation disorders. It also improves the strength and thickness of the skin by increasing its firmness. This has several effects on the area around the eyes.

Using vitamin C products to target the area around the eyes can help to strengthen the particularly sensitive skin in this area of the face. The eyelid skin is thinner and more delicate than the rest of the face. As a result, this area of the face requires specific care. Vitamin C strengthens and protects the sensitive skin around the eyes from discolouration, dryness, and other problems.


One of the most effective strategies to lessen the look of dark circles beneath the eyes is to live a healthy lifestyle. Getting adequate water and sleep will also improve the health of the eyes and skin. Vitamin C products can be quite beneficial, and if one is dealing with other age-related skin issues such as hyperpigmentation (dark spots), wrinkles, or dry skin, vitamin C can assist there as well. However, give the skincare routine a boost by taking holistic care.

It is important to note that if these tips and products don’t help, one should consider seeking help from a dermatologist. One can consult Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili, the leading dermatologist in Hyderabad, at Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics Clinic. The doctor provides advanced treatment for dark circles removal and under eye rejuvenation that includes tear-trough fillers, lasers, and chemical peels

To find out the best-suited treatment, consult the expert at Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics Clinic now!

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Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili is highly regarded as the most talented and promising dermatologist in Hyderabad.