Is Bald Head Impacting Your Career?

5 min readDec 22, 2023

Also known as alopecia, hair loss is known to affect the entire generation and is becoming more common day by day. Nowadays, it affects more than half of men and women by the time they reach the age of 50. Hairfall can affect your confidence and make you conscious of yourself in public. A man full head of hair feels more confident than a man having less hair. Losing hair at a young age can create a negative impact on your career if you lose faith in yourself. Every man somehow gets concerned with his appearance and desires to look good and be praised by others. When he does not achieve the same, his unhappiness and negativity start to manifest in his work and other activities.

There can be many reasons to get bald., but in this blog, we will discuss how baldness can impact one’s professional life and affect their career. We have also discussed with Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili of Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics, an excellent provider of hair fall treatment in Hyderabad, how baldness can be tackled and when to start a hair fall treatment. So, let’s start by understanding the causes of hair fall and how baldness can impact your career negatively.

What are the Causes of Excessive Hair Fall?

The most common causes of excessive hair fall are:

  • High-stress levels
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Scalp conditions
  • Aging
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Hair pulling
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Hair straightening procedures

How Baldness Can Impact Your Career Negatively?

The ways in which baldness can impact your career are as follows:

  • Decreases Confidence

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and felt confident? To feel confident, you have to trust yourself, which is the first step to building a professional career. Many people lose their only chance to shine in the corporate world due to a lack of self-confidence. Hair loss has negative psychosocial effects that can impact anyone’s life. Starting from lowering individual self-esteem and making them sad, studies say that baldness can affect both professional and personal life negatively.

  • Ageism At Work

In modern times, many of the world’s largest employers, like MNCs, are looking for young, highly educated employees who have recently graduated from esteemed colleges. The main motive behind this is to accept as many bright, exemplary young people as possible to train them. Entering a new work environment can be a tough task, especially when ageism holds its place in a workplace. The perception of age is not solely determined by the number of years you have lived but also by other factors such as your overall health, and appearance, like baldness.

  • Corporate Bias

Beyond ageism, certain styles are more popular in the corporate environment. As per some reports, “handsome” as an intelligent individual based on their style, appearance, and hair is praised by all. Moreover, many companies seek a culture of serenity to make sure their brands look young and modern. Hair loss can be a negative factor with your presence in corporate bias and can even be a factor in receiving promotions.

  • Affects your Mentality

Hair loss can negatively affect your sentiments, and everyone has a different approach to dealing with it. Some accept it as it is, and others shave their heads. If you are facing a major hair fall issue and it is affecting your self-confidence and behavior in a job interview, it can also affect other people’s perceptions.

If you are facing hair loss, try not to feel inferior to other people. These are all your assumptions to feel negative about yourself just because of hair loss. Hair loss can not be the only reason to affect your job research and put your corporate life in danger. However, suppose you experience hair fall or baldness that is still changing your personality and hurting your self-confidence. In that case, it is time to change and look for the available treatment options.

What Are Possible Hair Fall Treatments?

  • Topical Medications: Haircare products like anti-hair lotions promise to put a stop to hair fall while focusing on hair growth.
  • Microneedling with Growth Factor: Microneedling treatment works best with growth factor therapy, especially for patients suffering from androgenetic alopecia. The growth factor hair therapy aids in the efficient regeneration of hair cells as it contains natural growth factors and proteins, ultimately increasing hair growth.
  • Mesotherapy: It is a safer treatment option when it comes to tackling the hair fall condition. This treatment particularly involves injecting a mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, medication, and other ingredients required for hair growth and development directly into the mesoderm of the scalp’s skin. These ingredients are known to nourish the hair follicles to thicken and strengthen your hair while preventing hair fall.

Know When To Seek Help from An Expert?

Hair fall is a crucial issue and can affect your life professionally, personally and emotionally. However, the good news is that you can combat extreme hair loss and tackle baldness with modern treatment options. To know in detail, it is always suggested to consult a dermatologist who is an expert at treating hair loss and hair fall. One can visit Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics, the Best Skin Clinic In Hyderabad, to consult Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili, a skilled hair specialist. The expert doctor holds an overall 10+ years of experience in handling patients with care and delivering positive results.

If you are going through extreme hair fall and looking for a solution you can consult her by paying a visit at Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics today!

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Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili is highly regarded as the most talented and promising dermatologist in Hyderabad.