Rinshi Elayedatt
3 min readOct 26, 2021


One of the things that worries expecting parents is potential risk factors that could affect the arrival of their newborn. I have heard this question repeatedly as I meet couples eagerly anticipating the arrival of their baby.

From my experience dealing with high risk pregnancies, there are certain warning signs that one should be cautious during the pregnancy. As the adage goes, prevention is better than cure is applicable here. So here are six warning signs:

  1. PAIN — Mild cramp like discomfort is normal early in pregnancy as your womb is growing to accommodate your little one. But if you experience pain with bleeding in the first 3 months of pregnancy it could be a sign of miscarriage. Here, it is also important to rule out a pregnancy growing outside the womb (ectopic pregnancy) and other complications. Frequent lower abdominal pains can occur due to urinary infection which are common in pregnancy. Pain with loss of fluid through vagina towards the latter half, could be due to the break in the bag carrying the baby and this can end in delivery. Consult your Gynecologist immediately to rule out any of the possibilities listed above.
  2. VAGINAL BLEEDING — Don’t be alarmed of mild spotting in early pregnancy. But bleeding with pain can occur due to pregnancy growing outside the womb (ectopic pregnancy) or could be a sign of abortion or other causes. If you notice bleeding, go to emergency, or visit your Gynecologist as soon as possible.
  3. EXCESSIVE WEIGHT GAIN — We have already discussed in my previous blog regarding the ideal weight that should be gained by a pregnant lady with each advancing month. In case of a sudden excessive weight gain, monitor your blood pressure, “If you have a BP recording instrument at home, check if your BP levels are greater than 140/90mm of Hg suggestive of hypertension”. Things are not good if high BP is accompanied by severe headache and blurring of vision or chest pain. If this happens to you go to the emergency department immediately. A simple technique to check for sudden weight gain is if you notice that your ring is becoming tighter.
  4. EXCESS TIREDNESS — This can be an indirect sign of decreased blood (anemia) in the mother, or diabetes (gestational diabetes). This is more common towards the second half of pregnancy. A heart disease for the mother should also be ruled out in case of disproportionate tiredness with breathlessness while doing routine work. Talk to your Gynecologist about excessive tiredness and they will be able to refer you to a Cardiologist if needed.
  5. LEAKING OF WATER THROUGH VAGINA — The water leakage is suggestive of break in the bag of water around the baby. This, if not appropriately managed, can lead to delivery and increase the risk of infection, thus affecting the health of mother and baby. If the mother develops a water leak, please get admitted to the hospital as soon as possible.
  6. DECREASED BABY MOVEMENTS — This is an alarming sign. Normally, you should be appreciating your little one moving inside you after 20- 25weeks into the pregnancy. Even though the mother could experience decreased movements while the baby is asleep (baby sleeps last for 20–40 mins at a stretch), a prolonged absence of movements could be a pointer of certain disease in the baby or death of the baby inside the womb. If you notice that baby movements have reduced, do not take this lightly and please contact your Gynecologist at the earliest.
  • An easy method to know if your baby has adequate movements is to count each time the baby kicks inside you. If you notice 3 baby movements in one hour, your baby is just fine.

These are the common warning signs that upcoming parents can look for in a pregnancy. This list is not exhaustive and there can be a lot of different scenarios that the mother, and baby can be at risk.

I have written another blog10 THINGS TO CONSIDER FOR A HEALTHY PREGNANCY. I encourage you to check it out if you would like to learn more. Please subscribe to my channel — https://medium.com/@drrinshifm- if you would like to learn more about pregnancy related news.

Dr. Rinshi Elayedatt

MS. DGO. DNB. Fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine

Expert in Imaging in Maternal Fetal Medicine (Univ. of Barcelona)

Clinical Assistant Professor

Department of Fetal Medicine and Perinatology

Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences




2. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) — https://www.rcog.or.uk

3. About Ectopic Pregnancy — https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ectopic-pregnancy/symptoms-causes/syc-20372088

4. About anaemia — https://www.healthline.com/health/anemia

5. About gestational diabetes — https://www.healthline.com/health/gestational-diabetes



Rinshi Elayedatt

Trained Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, specialised in Perinatology and High risk pregnancy, Wife, Mom of 2 adorable kids, Foodie, Avid traveller.