5 Effective Ways To Declutter Your Mind and Achieve Clarity

An overloaded mind is a breeding ground for overwhelm

Dr. Roopleen


How to declutter your mind
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

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Have you ever struggled with an inability to process things around you and put your thoughts together? This happens when your mind is in overdrive, cluttered and you feel spent.

With too many things gunning for your attention, you are unable to concentrate on anything. There’s a sense of powerlessness and helplessness.

What is mental clutter

Too much unorganized stuff in your head — random information, thoughts, ideas, feelings, emotions, things to do, and expectations to meet — leads to mental clutter.

Overthinking or trying to focus on multiple things simultaneously also creates chaos in your mind, and you cannot think straight.

An overloaded mind is thus a breeding ground for overwhelm. It clogs your mental space and prevents you from focusing on anything in particular.

How mental clutter harms you

Carrying too much burden on your mind adversely impacts you.

  • It overwhelms you
  • It defocuses you



Dr. Roopleen

6X Top Writer on Medium | Author of 6 books | 4X LinkedIn Top Voice | 2.7M views on Quora | Fitness enthusiast I I write on personal development and motivation