FAQs About The Author

Little things you wanted to know

Dr. Roopleen
2 min readJun 20, 2022
FAQs about the author
(Made by author on Canva)

Q. What is your life purpose?

To discover and unleash my full potential and add value to my life and those around me.

Q. What’s a productive day for you?

Having a productive day means being able to knock off most of the tasks on my priority list, make some progress on my goals, play the various roles I am in successfully and also be able to squeeze in a little ‘me time.’

Q. What is your biggest accomplishment in life?

Having become a minimalist. I own under 50 things!

Q. What are the things that have helped you come this far in life?

Clarity, being proactive, consistency, and persistence.

Q. What is your definition of success?

Having a fit body, a calm mind, and living an authentic life.

Q. What is your mantra of achieving goals?

Pursuit of goals is a mind game. You have to win in your head first before you set out to achieve them in real life.

Q. How do you look at failure?

There’s no such thing as failure. It’s only a temporary roadblock on the path to success, not the end of the road.

If you’re passionate about your goals, stay put, keep bettering yourself, make yourself worthy of success, and you’re sure to reach where you aspire to be.

Q. What does happiness mean to you?

Doing things I love doing, being surrounded by people who matter the most to me, being detached from the past and future, just savoring the ‘Now.’

Q. What is your advice to the readers?

Invest in personal development. It will help you grow and become the best version of yourself. Personal development and self-growth, any day, have a high ROI (return on investment) and will help you live a successful, happy, and fulfilling life.



Dr. Roopleen

6X Top Writer on Medium | Author of 6 books | 4X Linkedin Top Voice | 2.7M views on Quora | I write about personal development, success and motivation