Fones Brushing Technique for Kids


Taking care of your child’s oral health can be a breeze with the Fones brushing technique. Especially designed for young children who may have limited manual dexterity, this method is not only easy to learn but also provides excellent gingival stimulation.

History: Pioneered by Alfred C. Fones, the founder of the first dental hygienist course.


  1. With teeth closed, position the brush inside the cheek over the last upper molar, gently touching the gingiva.
  2. Utilize a quick, broad, circular motion with light pressure, sweeping from upper to lower gingiva.
  3. Ensure edge-to-edge contact of anterior teeth, holding the lip out when needed for continuous circular strokes.
  4. Apply an in-and-out stroke for lingual and palatal tooth surfaces, with the brush moving across the palate and back-and-forth to the molars on the lower arch.


  • Comparable or superior plaque removal potential to the Bass technique.
  • Easy to learn and requires less time.
  • Suitable for physically or emotionally challenged individuals.
  • Provides effective gingival stimulation.


  • Potential for gingival trauma.
  • Inadequate cleaning of interdental areas.

Making it Fun:

  • Engage with a captivating story about the impact of “sugar bugs” on teeth.
  • Use a dissolving agent to vividly demonstrate plaque on their teeth.
  • Compare brush strokes to train wheels, encouraging big circles for effective brushing.
  • Introduce a catchy two-minute tooth brushing song for an enjoyable routine.



Dr Rucha Jain (DentoDream The Dental Clinic)

Discover exceptional dental care at 'DentoDream The Dental Clinic,' led by Dr. Rucha Jain, a specialized MDS with expertise in Root Canal Treatment (RCT).