Tuning Your Body to Earth’s Natural Frequency

Spending time in nature allows us to detach from technology, while plugging ourselves into Earth’s natural electrical outlet

Dr. Habib Sadeghi
2 min readAug 28, 2019
Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

In 1899, the world-renowned scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla discovered that the earth resonates a frequency, just like a radio broadcast antenna, of approximately 8Hz.

This discovery, like much of Tesla’s work, was ahead of its time. Although well-documented, the scientific world wouldn’t fully accept this fact for over 50 years.

Like Tesla, we are all trailblazers on our healing quests into the realm of mind/body medicine. No one knows how long it may take for others to accept the truth of our healing process, but that is of no consequence. The truth remains the truth no matter how long it takes others to experience it for themselves. We all come to the truth in our own time.

In 1953, University of Munich professor, W.O Schumann, and a group of his students discovered that the earth generated very specific pulsations. This 7.8Hz frequency of the earth is known today as the Schumann resonance. Through further study, including the use of electro-encephalograms (EEG), we now know that human brainwaves match the earth’s frequency when in the theta wave state.

It’s believed that healing visualizations are most effective in, and that spontaneous healing is more conducive to, this theta brainwave state.

Naturally, this information makes it very clear that it’s essential to maintain a consistent connection to the earth’s frequency for both great health and healing.

This can be a serious challenge in our technological world, where we’re bombarded with enormous amounts of man-made electromagnetic frequencies short circuiting our connection to the earth’s vibration. Cell phones, cell phone towers, internet Wi-Fi, microwave ovens, iPads, Bluetooth devices, radio and TV transmissions, baby monitors, two-way radios and countless other devices keep us endlessly bathed in a scrambled energy soup that disconnects us from our natural frequency.

When we surround ourselves with constant electromagnetic interference from multi-media, we filter out the earth’s frequency and the connection to our higher self or God. What we’re left with is just static and noise.

The solution is to literally plug ourselves back into earth’s electrical outlet.

For more on this topic, visit Entelechy Medicine on Patreon.

Dr. Sadeghi is the founder of Be Hive of Healing, an integrative medical center, publisher of MegaZEN Wellbeing Journal, and the author of The Clarity Cleanse.



Dr. Habib Sadeghi

Dr. Habib Sadeghi is the founder of Be Hive of Healing, an integrative medical center based in Los Angeles, and author of The Clarity Cleanse.