How a Rapper named KR$NA changed the whole Rap scene in India

Sakshi Joshi
4 min readMay 20, 2022


Krishna Kaul (YoungProzpekt, KrSna)

The Kr$na that we see today is not a person who is made overnight. There are YEARS and YEARS of struggle, hard work, pain, perseverance, self-belief, and the brutal mentality of not giving in no matter what — is what has made Kr$na the Kr$na that we know today.

His work now is so smooth that it feels like magic, giving the illusion that it’s easy but just try writing a rap for once and you will know how naïve this thought was lol.

Kr$na’s life has many valuable lessons that we can learn from and implement in our own lives.

Here are the key 5 Lessons, we can learn from THE GOD (KR$NA) —

1. Use your disadvantage to your advantage

When at the age of 14, Kr$na had to move to London, he had trouble making friends and so he started to rap just to befriend his classmates.

He could have just sat down, cursed his fate, cried over the situation and keep on getting bullied but instead, he took matters into his own hands, and took action!

He used his disadvantage of being an Indian in a group of Londoners, he used his novelty to his advantage — an Indian kid doing rap, how cool is that.

Every disadvantage has its advantage. — Johan Cruijff

2. Perseverance is key

When Kr$na came back to Delhi, his rapping skills that he learnt in London, all of a sudden were of no use as at that time there was no scene of Hip-Hop in India.

Just imagine doing some Art that you don’t have an audience for. People not valuing something that you are putting so much effort, time and energy into, how painful that is.

But did that stop him? We all know the answer to this.

Even after years of struggle, he kept on going. Of course, there will be moments in your life where you’ll doubt yourself, and even Kr$na must have felt that way. But what matters the most is even in those moments of despair and self-doubt, you keep the trust in the process and move forward instead of letting that doubt paralyse you.

Have the fire and desire in your heart to achieve success then every obstacle you face will seem as a minute stone in a mountain that you are trying to climb.

As Kr$na says — “Kamyaabi Ki Hai Bhook Aur Virasat Ki Hai Pyaas”

3. Be an Inspiration

Kr$na has inspired many through his life story. He inspires us to do something great in our lives, by showing us through his actions that irrespective of the failures and struggles, success can be achieved.

Failures will be a part of your life story and that makes your story interesting, just don’t let failure to be the ending, don’t give up there. It’s actually a signal that life sends you to acknowledge your efforts.

He instils a HOPE in us that if he can have a breakthrough in life even after all the setbacks then we can too.

The Shawshank Redemption

4. Embrace your Novelty

Kr$na’s uniqueness is what separates him from the crowd, he unlike others doesn’t try to be someone else, like for example, if you copy Russ then your creditability as a rapper would definitely be Sus only! (subliminal ;)

He is comfortable in his skin and fearlessly embraces who he is. Accept who you are and embrace it.

Don’t try to fit in, uniqueness is your greatest gift.

5. Believe in yourself

‘If you don’t believe in yourself then who else will.’ No matter how cliché this line sounds but it’s actually true.

Even when not many people listened to Kr$na, early in his career; he did not let that discourage him. He believed in his art and kept on improving. He did not need fans or words of appreciation from others to keep him going, he was there for himself and it was enough.

He has built such a strong mindset that he keeps his calm in every situation. (that’s why these beefs are a piece of cake for him XD

In times of struggle, when the world comes crashing on you, when nothing goes right, when self-doubt, anxiety cripples in; that’s when you need yourself the most, that’s when you need to show faith in yourself.

And now it’s time to implement all these learnings in our lives.

Instead of just being a fan of an artist, let’s be those fans where the artist feels proud of us.

Do something so amazing in your life that the artist you look up to becomes your fan!

He has set an example for us already and now it’s time for us. Go rock! :)

