Sterilization at Dental Studio CR Park, New Delhi

Dr.Sanjay Kumar
3 min readMay 9, 2017


As a dedicated dental team, we are concerned about protecting our patients from infectious diseases. Each time a patient visits our office; a very special trust is placed in our hands. We do not take this trust lightly. That is why we are committed to providing maximum protection to you, our patient, against any harmful or infectious diseases.

Our practice takes stringent measures to minimize the risk of infection. There is no carpeting on the floor to trap bacteria and rooms are sterilized regularly. Any instrument used in a patient’s mouth is either disposable or designed to withstand heat sterilization after use.Even the switches, buttons and levers of our lights and equipment are covered with sterile plastic barriers. Instruments to be sterilized are first placed in a cassette, covered with wrapping and transferred to an autoclave for heat sterilization.

The cassette remains sealed until immediately before instruments are used. The wrapping serves as a sterile field on which to place instruments during procedures.
These measures are carried out rigorously and consistently and demonstrate our commitment to your safety.Many hours have gone into the design of our infection-control system. We are constantly evaluating and updating our procedures.

Basic Safety Measures:
All doctors wear gloves, masks and glasses when treating patients. After contact with each patient, the gloves are removed and discarded and are never reused for another patient. Gloves are removed or “over gloved” if the treatment of a patient is temporarily interrupted. We wash our hands and then put on a new pair of gloves before treating another patient. Wherever disposable (single use) items can be used, they are. We use as many plastic covers as possible. All suction tips, saliva ejectors, water glasses, headrest covers and light handle covers are disposed of and replaced between patients.

Cleaning and Disinfecting the Examining Room:
Between each patient, the treatment rooms are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. First, all debris is wiped off of all countertops and any surface that may have been contaminated. Then, a disinfectant is sprayed on all surfaces.

Sterilization of Dental Instruments:
All the instruments are cleaned and soaked in a sterilizing liquid and put through a system of ultrasonic scrubbing. Then, they are dried and packaged and heat sterilized in a large, pressurized oven. This insures the instruments are not contaminated before they are actually set-up in the treatment room. We test our sterilization units frequently to make sure they are working properly.

Clean Water :
All dental procedures are carried out using bottled water instead of water from the tap. Our water system is designed with special filters and certain disposable parts to ensure that the water supply for each patient is free from disease causing agents.

Special Cleaning of Dental Handpieces :
After each use, we follow special procedures for cleaning our hand pieces (the dental drills). The hand piece is flushed with water and scrubbed with detergent and hot water. A cleaner/lubricant is sprayed into the hand piece. The hand piece is then sterilized using special piece of equipment called an autoclave. By making you more aware of the measures being taken by us for your protection, we hope that your trust and confidence in our team will make your visits a bit more comfortable. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any further questions concerning our sterilization methods.

Dr Sanjay Kumar’s Dental Studio

Book an Appointment with Dr Sanjay Kumar here.

Originally from Dr Sanjay Kumar’s Dental Studio

