The 7 Deadly Sins of Weight Loss

Dr. Stephanie Estima
9 min readMay 22, 2018

These Seven Common Beliefs and Catchphrases Are Not Only KEEPING You From Losing Weight, They May Be CAUSING You To Get Heavier…

Losing weight, and keeping it off, should be an effortless and easy endeavour.

There are so many myths and fallacies, however, about when to eat, how to eat, and what to eat, we often unknowingly derail our own efforts.

It is easy to be confused — health care professionals regularly engage in diet wars, the science is confusing, and the marketing geniuses tell you “low fat is good for you”.

So we eat more often than we should, we overfeed outselves the wrong types of food, and we think jumping on a treadmill will eradicate our eating sins.

In this article I want to go over some surprisingly common mistakes we all have made (myself included), and what to do about it.

How many of these have you made?

1. ”Eat Less, Move More”

“Throughout my life, I have tried to share my belief that getting and staying healthy doesn’t have to feel like work. My life is not about deprivation; I don’t diet or slave away in a gym. What I do is eat clean, nutritious, real food. I enjoy delicious meals with healthy fats, I eat until I am full and satisfied, and I remain thin.” — Suzanne Somers

