This One Sleep Position May Be Destroying Your Health

Dr. Stephanie Estima
11 min readJul 6, 2018

How Sleeping On Your Back Can Ruin Your Ability to Breathe, Get Oxygen To Your Brain, and Shorten Your Lifespan.

Which one are you?

Look at the image above — which do you believe to be the best sleep position?

I show this image in workshops and during keynote speeches, and it always has a mind-blowing effect when I share the science.

To start, the best sleeping position is “D” — in other words, on your stomach, AND without a pillow.

Yes. Without a pillow.

And yes…on your stomach.

I’d like to share the science behind both of these statements, and more importantly, how any other position may be negatively affecting your sleep (and worse, affecting your health).

Most sleep strategies proposed have quite the opposite effect of assisting with a good night’s sleep.

Whether it is “ergonomic” pillows, the fallacy that sleeping on your back is preferred, or tools that assist in getting “in alignment” overnight, there is always a new “thing” that is going to help you sleep better.

Usually these products are designed without someone who understands neurodevelopment, spinal mechanics, or basic physiology.

