Dr susan Jacob
3 min readMay 28, 2021


*Daily Manna for you #99*

*Passage Reading* – Genesis 12:1-9

*Key Verse-* Genesis 12:4(a) "So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him;..."

*Verse of the Day –* Luke 7:31-32 "To what can I compare this generation?
They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others: “‘We played the pipe for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’


"Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness" (Galatians 3:6)

God is calling out to us as we go through life, but what really matters is how we respond to his call. We may have many great promises of God (voice of God) spoken to us by God’s mighty servants but, how these promises unfold in our lives depends mainly on how we respond to them.

A promise is like a seed in our hand. If we would take it by faith believing and trusting in God’s faithfulness, and sow it in the soil of our hearts, carrying it around with great expectation; then we will get to see the promise fulfilled when the rains of the Holy Spirit come.

On the other hand, if we refuse to take up the seed (Promise) and deliberately cast it aside, when the rains come we will have no seed in the soil (heart) because it never left our hands. And our seed will become dormant.

History tells us that Terah Abram’s father, was an idolatrous priest who manufactured and sold idols for a living. But Abram was a seeker, who believed that there was a God, who was the true creator and Lord. The Bible teaches us that all who seeks will find. Well, God in his mercy prevealed himself to Abram.

In Genesis 12:1-9, God called Abram saying "Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you." And God promised great blessings upon him.

However, the fact is that he had no clue where God was taking him to. He just knew deep in his heart that it was indeed the voice of God that he had heard.

Abram believed God's word and set out with all that he had, leaving behind his father and the rest of the family trusting in the voice that he heard to a place he did not know.

Going through the chapters of the Bible we know that God indeed made Abram (who he later named Abraham) the father of many nations.

Now, out of Abraham's decendents came Israel and the Israelites. And out of Israel in the lineage of King David our Lord Jesus Christ was born, who through his sacrifice on the cross, saved us from our sins and has blessed us with eternal life.

Every promise God made to Abraham came to pass. And in Christ Jesus, truly all the families of the earth are blessed. (Genesis 12:3)

Abraham responded to the call of God by action. He responded by putting his complete faith in God and by packing all that he had and heading into the unknown. Reminding himself every step of the way that God who promised is faithful and he is God.

Now, God desires that we respond to his voice in the same manner, trusting in his faithfulness.

Although, Abraham’s life was full of uncertainties and questions, he conquered everyone of his doubts through the faith and trust he had in God.

And God proved himself to be his Shield and his greatest reward just as he promised.

Let us respond to the voice of the Lord knowing that 'God' is 'God'! and that he knows how to take care of us no matter what happens.

Let us trust him and answer that call today trusting our future into his hands. The end result will be blessings that last for generations to come.


*Prayer of the Day*

Dear Loving heavenly father, thank you for this day. Forgive me all my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. O Lord help me to trust in your faithfulness. I commit my life into your hands and I pray that not my Will, but your Will be done in my life. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

*Affirmation of the day*


Dr susan Jacob

I believe this 'Manna' is fresh baked from heaven for you and I know everyone who reads these messages will be blessed by it. God bless you all.