A Glimpse into the Top 5 Common Mental Health Disorders in the UAE

Dr. Tulika Psychiatrist
3 min readAug 28, 2023

A study from 2020 paints a revealing picture — 57% of UAE residents wrestle with mental health disorders, with anxiety and depression affecting 56.4% and 31.5% respectively.

Yet, a glaring disparity in mental health support exists. In 2017, there were just 1.65 psychiatrists per 100,000 in the UAE, compared to the USA’s 16.6. This scarcity reverberates through the number of social workers and psychologists.

The COVID-19 pandemic deepened these issues, with a 2020 study highlighting that over a third of the population felt their mental health deteriorate. With this backdrop let us delve into the prevalent mental health disorders in the UAE

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders take the lead as the most prevalent category of mental health challenges in the UAE. Approximately 40 million adults aged 18 and above navigate the intricate landscape of these conditions. Anxiety disorders trigger distressing and recurrent feelings of fear and unease. While stress is a natural part of life, individuals with anxiety disorders experience these emotions more frequently, even in seemingly non-stressful situations. This prolonged state of anxiety can persist for six months or more, encompassing disorders like Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Panic Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Social Anxiety Disorder.

Substance Abuse

Following closely is the shadow of substance abuse — a complex mental disorder that often remains concealed. The quest for success and the pressures of modern society can lead individuals to seek solace in substances, attempting to evade the weight of life’s demands. Behind the dazzling nightlife lies the reality of hidden battles.


Depression casts its somber shadow over an estimated 1 in 10 adults in the UAE. While mood fluctuations are a natural part of human experience, individuals grappling with depression endure persistent and severe symptoms that disrupt their daily lives. This can encompass enduring feelings of sadness, anxiety, and emptiness, alongside hopelessness, low self-esteem, excessive guilt, and dwindling energy. Therapy, antidepressants, and self-care strategies play a pivotal role in managing mood disorders, with Major Depression, Dysthymia, Bipolar Disorder, and Substance-Induced Mood Disorder among the most prevalent manifestations.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders transcend mere relationships with food, evolving into intricate mental struggles that necessitate intervention from medical and psychological experts. These disorders give rise to unhealthy eating patterns, such as an obsession with food, body weight, or shape. In severe cases, these disorders can have dire health consequences and, if left untreated, even prove fatal. Notable eating disorders include Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Pica Eating Disorder, and Rumination Disorder.


In the spectrum of mental health challenges in the UAE, schizophrenia emerges as a formidable adversary. Individuals grappling with schizophrenia may struggle to differentiate reality from illusion, as the disorder alters their perception of the world. Factors such as viral infections, anomalies in brain circuitry, extreme stress, trauma, and substance abuse contribute to the development of psychotic disorders like schizophrenia.

In a nation where tradition intersects with modernity, the imperative of addressing mental health challenges is clear. The UAE stands on the threshold of change, working to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental health. Through open conversations, heightened awareness, and accessible support, the country paves the way for individuals to seek assistance without fear.

As we embark on this exploration of mental health disorders in the UAE, it’s evident that the narrative is nuanced and intricate. Beyond the opulent cityscape and cultural diversity lies a realm of emotions and struggles deserving of attention. In the forthcoming chapters, we will delve into these specific mental health disorders, unraveling their complexities and seeking paths to healing and resilience. The journey is profound, and the pursuit of a brighter mental health landscape for the UAE rests upon unity, compassion, and collective efforts.

If you have any doubts or are you looking for a professional help in the field of mental health, you can contact me at http://drtulikamindcare.com/en/clinic



Dr. Tulika Psychiatrist

A Psychiatrist in Dubai who is sharing advices for emotional health and well-being. Click the link to know more about me http://drtulikamindcare.com/en/about