Drupal Europe: Publishing + Media Special Focus

Digital Assets Management in multi-channel publishing environments

Drupal Europe
2 min readAug 13, 2018

Drupal Europe offers up a plethora of cases and solutions to help you with your DAM integration.

Multichannel publishing by Oleksiy Mark on Shutterstock

With so much to organize and store, publishers typically use Digital Asset Management Systems (DAM) to manage their assets. Add multiple channels to the mix and you have big operational hurdles. Thanks to the Media Initiative, Drupal now has a well-defined ecosystem for media management and its architecture is designed to play well with all kinds of media, media management systems, and web services that support them. The system is highly adaptable — the media management documentation outlines 15 modules shaping Drupal’s new ecosystem for media assets.

The Drupal Europe program offers several sessions to help you learn more about solutions building on this foundation. Case studies of demanding media management projects around the publishing industry include:

Drupal Europe
Publishing & Media — Track Chairs

