Hello World!

Drupal Europe
5 min readOct 8, 2017


As you might have heard during the closing session of DrupalCon Vienna last week, an initiative is working on organising an event for the European community in order to close the gap between DrupalCon 2017 and DrupalCon 2019. Today, one week after the closing session, we are here with our first official communication and we would like to share our current progress.

The discussions about organising an event in 2018 started when Megan Sanicki started blogging about the future of DrupalCon Europe. Some people within the community felt the need to have a big event in Europe for various reasons:

  1. We want an event which brings together the European Drupal community.
  2. We want to make sure that the European market sees that Drupal as a technology is a strong brand.
  3. We want to prove our community that we can do this conference sustainable and cost effective.

Before DrupalCon

Many people contributed to an even greater amount of opinions on what we do want and don’t want for a conference in 2018, all these opinions and ideas from social media, BoF’s and meetings have been collected in a summary document

During DrupalCon

You must have noticed that the lack of DrupalCon 2018 was the main topic of lots of discussions in Vienna. The discussions already started during the community summit where a group was talking about the future of DrupalCon Europe in general. During the con we had at least 4 BoF’s, people were sprinting on the initiative, people were having meetings with the Drupal Association and even during the social events people started putting their heads together to come up with solid plans for 2018.

Licensed — Image courtesy of Amazee Labs

There were even people who didn’t attend a single session during this DrupalCon so that they could keep working on ensuring that the community could meet next week.

We identified several key requirements from our community and we will do all the necessary in order to address these requirements during the organisation of this conference. Almost everyone agreed to the following statements:

Licensed — Image courtesy of Paul Johnson
  • We want a large Drupal event which is affordable for everyone from within Europe.
  • We don’t need huge and fancy venues if we can decrease the price of the tickets and make the conference more sustainable.
  • We don’t mind taking a lunch break and go out to find some food during the event if this will decrease the price of the tickets.


Thanks to all the work we have done during DrupalCon Vienna, today we have a working group of several key people from within the European Drupal community that are collaborating on organizing a large scale Drupal event in Europe next year. It has been decided that the event will be called “Drupal Europe”.

Licensed — Image courtesy of Paul Johnson

The Drupal Association has acknowledged our initiative and has decided that they will support us wherever is possible. We would like to outline that this initiative is not about creating a separate entity. We encourage collaboration and we will keep the Drupal Association in the loop of all our future progress.

This working group is not the same group that Megan announced at DrupalCon Vienna. The group of eight people was formed to advise the Drupal Association on a selection process, and the selection criteria for licensing DrupalCon Europe in 2019. Nevertheless, some people are involved in both groups. This will help to strengthen and prove the advice of this group.

The format of Drupal Europe

As Drupal Europe 2018 will act as a proof of concept for future DrupalCons we decided to go for a MVP approach for 2018. This means that we will experiment with various concepts with a main focus to organise a sustainable event.


As Drupal Europe 2018 should be an event which brings members of our community together, we will introduce different tiers of tickets. The first tier will be for people who are coming to collaborate on contribution & community work. This ticket will allow people access to BoF’s, sprint rooms, social events and the sponsors exhibition hall.

The second tier of tickets is targeting people who come to learn and to get updates from speakers. This ticket grants the person access to sessions and trainings plus all that the contribution ticket allows above.


In order to make this event sustainable, we are not looking for venues that can have 2000+ people in one room. Venues that are offering these type of rooms are usually very expensive and booking one could lead to failing in our mission. Instead we are looking for a venue with several rooms where people can watch the live stream of the keynote instead.


Our aim is to organise a sustainable and affordable event where people from the European (and global) Drupal community can collaborate together on tackling challenges and engage in order to make Drupal grow both as a technology and as a brand.

Our core values:

  • Engage
  • Challenge
  • Grow
  • Collaborate
  • Community
  • Sustainability

What’s next?

  • Call for venues
  • Setting up OpenSocial site so all the enthusiasm can be converted into action.

Who’s involved?

Want to get involved? Send a DM to http://www.twitter.com/@drupaleurope , contact any of people listed above or join us at https://drupaleurope.getopensocial.com/

Financial support

We’re in need of early sponsors to back the plan and make it scale. If you are interested, please contact any of the people listed above.

