Dr Urmi Thakker
3 min readJul 28, 2020

How becoming an author made me Unstoppable!
Sitting in my chair, as a laboratory in charge, I kept wondering what more can I do for my patients and people around me that can help them to live a better life – Not just physical aspect but also mental and emotional aspects. That’s how I started exploring things one after the other. I was surprised when my mentor, Mr Arfeen khan, told me to write a book. I had my own doubts that I am from a science background and I can’t write a book. That’s when he said that you need to have a strong reason to write a book and everything else can be learnt.
I saw there were two kinds of people - one set of people who kept complaining and blaming about their situation and other set of people who kept looking for solutions in spite of whatever situation they are in. And through Arfeen’s programme, I met many amazing women who had restarted their career after overcoming different challenges, became successful and contributed back to the society on a large scale. That’s when I thought these stories should come out and I decided to write the book – Tales of Unstoppable Women alongwith my learnings. All throughout my writing journey I was not sure how this book will have an impact on people, however I kept working on myself as well as my book through Arfeen’s system. I received amazing support from the community like feedbacks, guidance for publishing and most important accountability partners where we kept pushing each other. I also came in contact with amazing publisher who understood my concept and alongwith his entire team, worked very hard for completion of this book in the best possible way.
The day my book was released changed, everything changed for me. I started receiving innumerable messages from women sharing how reading this book had inspired them and how they could relate with the stories in the book.
The book was released as e- book amidst lockdown and it became Amazon second best seller, it was also covered by news media. I was invited to speak about my book on various platforms which gave me opportunities to interact with wider audience and share my ideas.
Messages from known and unknown women kept pouring. Some of them said that they had given up on their dreams but now, after reading this book, they will start nurturing it. A surprise came when I got amazing messages from men as well that how reading this book has shifted their perspectives to look towards women.
 I was touched when I saw a message of my childhood teacher, who was my role model and has encouraged me to be who I am today. She texted that she is going through a major health challenge and my book has given her hope and strength to keep going.
Recently, I was invited in my son’s school to guide students on writing stories. It gave me an opportunity to help these young minds to express their creativity through writing.
This journey has taught me to go beyond my limitations. It has given me strength to expand my boundaries and as my mentor says – to keep my focus on contributing to people’s lives.
Through my book I continue to fulfill my vision to help people improve the quality of their life and to create a society where we judge less, and help and support each other more.
Dr Urmi Thakker
M.D. (Pathologist)
Personal Empowerment Coach
Video link : https://youtu.be/zKk4ayULorg

Dr Urmi Thakker

Doctor turned life coach, author and inspirational speaker