Dr Washington Sanchez
1 min readFeb 11, 2016


The pool administrators who have signed this statement represent ~90% of the hashing power on the network, but this does not necessarily represent the miners themselves.

I advise any Bitcoin miners belonging to these pools, who feel misrepresented by this statement, to join pools (or form them) that will advance Bitcoin’s hard fork to 2 MB.

Bitcoin Core have had ample opportunity for over a year to schedule a hard fork to increase in the block size. It has taken a very real threat of a hard fork for them to signal progress on this front.

Segregated witness, while an awesome improvement to protocol, is not a long-term scaling solution. Moreover, it is a smokescreen for Bitcoin Core’s true intention to limit transaction capacity using the block size. This is euphemistically referred to as creating a ‘fee market’.

In reality, the use of the block size to retard the transaction capacity of Bitcoin, to increase fees, remains a value Bitcoin Core has not deviated from. Unless they explicitly abandon the idea of creating a fee market, Bitcoin Core will achieve a real hard fork in the economic properties of Bitcoin.

Furthermore, a token increase in the block size now by Bitcoin Core will only plague the community in the future, as they have no intention of keeping the block size comfortably above the market demand for on-chain transactions.

