DeAnn Ryals
2 min readApr 12, 2016


I have some comprehension of your frustrations. On the other hand, I don’t. You say Bill Clinton, although his intentions were well placed, made policy changes that at the time sounded good but really hurt the black community. Have you thought of it in different terms? Besides Clinton what other president tried, in any way, to help the black community? You may not like what he tried but at least he tried.

I don’t like the “Don’t ask don’t tell” policy he implemented for the military but at least he tried and it was supposed to keep GLB people in the military. It failed horribly. That was not the fault of the president. It was the fault of the military brass and how they saw fit to interpret the law.

As far as Hilary is concerned with her comments about predator kids-that’s true. She didn’t say all black kids were predatory. If you have people who are gang members having kids and raising them as gang members, that’s what you are going to get. If you think for one second that gang members aren’t predatory then you aren’t living in reality. There is a reason that babies are called “blood drops.” Off the top of my head I can’t remember which gang is red and which one is blue. So I won’t try to name either one of them. The documentary I saw that showed the gang members talking about their babies as blood drops was brutal. I’ve seen many documentaries with all kinds of gangs and they’re all the same. The only difference is what colors they’re willing to die for. If I have any of my facts wrong please tell me with documented facts. I’m always wanting to learn and expand my knowledge. Also, nothing I have said was said with a malicious heart. I feel I’m looking at the big picture and you were looking at one finite point in the whole picture.

